Thursday, June 22, 2006

I Have to Go to Heaven...

...b/c I am currently living in HELL! Studying for the bar is worse than law school itself. I mean, today, I started surfing the web for jobs on b/c I am soooo over it! Hey...Polo Ralph Lauren is hiring management. Why not do that...and secure myself the discount that I need instead of slaving away for 10-11 hours a day learning damn Property and Contracts? Again...I'm soooo over it!

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Prepping for the Big One you graduate...and you are proud of your accomplishment...only to, a day later, re-realize that you have to start studying for the bar! And, as my bar preparation has began, I've already realized that studying for the bar SUCKS! There is no way in hell that there are enough hours in the day to retain all of this information (12 huge volumes worth) and then by able to apply all of it in a 2 day 8-hour time period. Good thing that this isn't law school where getting the A or the highest grade has some weight...with the bar, even if you pass by a point, you pass and get certified. That is all it takes. So, that is what I have to keep in mind as I embark on the 8 week long journey.
