Thursday, July 27, 2006

Praise the Lord and Shame the Devil!!

Hallelujah...the bar is over!

This process has been the most taxing and strenuous process in my life. I mean, I spent at least 8 hours a day studying for the last 2 months (well, month and a half). NOT a good look! But, it's over now...and now I'm back to I MUST make comments.

OK...yeah...I was extremely unimpressed with the event coordinators at the Tampa Convention Center. I mean, they have help to organize the bar for numerous years and you would have thought that this was the very first year. I am thankful that the Lord have already given me a spirit of peace because if I was at all stressed going into the exam, I would have lost it standing outside with the rest of the 2000-3000 people waiting to take the exam...while wondering if I was going to get it in time. My friend and I got to the test site at 7:30 for the 9:00 exam and didn't make it to our seats until at least 8:40. RIDICULOUS!! They had only one cashier for taking money in the room that we had to leave all of our stuff person for over 2000 people. Then, for lunch...yeah...why is it that there are like NO eating places directly around the TCC. I mean, it's a Convention Center for God's sake. Why no vendors? So, yeah...they did have a courtesy cart with sandwiches...and a restaurant called Jackson's across the water...but, that was about it. However, other than the logistics of event planning, everything else went smoothly.

Now that I think about, it is absolutely amazing to me that the state with the 4 largest population in America has all of its bar applicants take the exam all in ONE room. Yep, you read that right...everyone taking the Florida bar was in ONE room. It was "WOW"! Not overwhelming...but WOW!! lol

Anyways, I'm just thankful its over. Now, I can relax until the career begins.

Sunday, July 16, 2006


OK...the countdown is officially on and exactly a week, I will be hoping on a plane to Tampa to take the bar. It's been a long summer...extremely long...but I'm ready to get this ish over.

(speaking like the crazy ass PMRB lady) I got this baby!!

Thursday, July 13, 2006

I Am...

...irritated, agitated, and aggravated...sick and tired of being sick of tired...spirit on a very low low...physically and mentally exhausted.

Yep...that's me in a nutshell.