Thursday, January 25, 2007

Milton County, GA

A Georgia county divided against itself

A potentially explosive dispute in Atlanta -- the City Too Busy to Hate -- is taking shape over a proposal to break Fulton County in two and split off Atlanta's mostly white, affluent suburbs to the north from some of the metro area's poorest, black neighborhoods.

After living in Atlanta for 3 years, why does this not surprise me? This type of mentality is the same exact reason why MARTA will NEVER be allowed to come into Cobb and Gwinnett counties. As progressive as Atlanta is becoming (especially since the Olympics), it still has a long way to go b/c there is a clear racial divide which still separates that city...the North from the South...the black from the white.

Hollerin Babies. instead of watching the State of the Union, I finished watching Little Miss Sunshine last night; and thus, can't comment on any Bush-isms from last night. But, what I will comment on is...hollering babies on the plane. On Good Morning America yesterday (and this morning, they talked about the incident as well), they had this family who were asked to deplane an AirTran flight b/c their 3 year old daughter was throwing a tantrum. The parents were talking about how she is typical 3-year old...and didn't feel that it was necessary for AirTran to ask them to deplane so as to not disturb all of the other guests. The dad was talking about how he will never fly Airtran again, despite AirTran giving the family vouchers for free flights.

And, I'm thinking to myself. AirTran was justified for their actions! If you can't control your bas ass kid, you need to get OFF the plane. There is nothing worse than having a toddler terror sitting next to or near you on a plane hollering and acting a damn fool. And, I'm talking about...they said the lil girl had done sprawled out on the floor and was hollering non-stop. Furthermore, on this one blog, one of the flight attendants chimed in...and what about the flight attendant said that the girl was not even sitting with the parents. The parents sat in the two seats on one side of the aisle...and let the little girl sit on the opposite side to sit by the window. And, THAT's where she started having her tantrum...and acting up!

WHY in the SAM HELL would you sit a 3-year old child across the aisle next to some other that you can sit next to each other? If it were my parents, it wouldn't have taken AirTran to ask us to leave...I would have been praying for the cops or someone to come b/c Monster Mable (my mama) would have been all over my ass!

But, I digress...maybe I'm insensitve to those types of things b/c I don't have kids. But, don't be mad at AirTran for considering the feelings of the other 100 people on board.