Tuesday, February 10, 2009

For Real, Alex Rodriguez!

I just had to say something about this b/c I am still pissed off about it.

So, last night, I'm sitting and watching our President give his first prime time conference. President Obama walked in, his usual cool and collected self. He began the press conference by giving about an 8-10 minute speech on the urgency and importance of Congress to pass an ecomonic stimulus package. Following the speech, he fielded questions from the press.

First of all, though this was an open press conference, it was CLEARLY called as a result of President Obama wanting to influence Congress to pass the stimulus package. In other words, this press conference was about the economy...and I cannot STAND when folks go off topic. The first reporter to do so was the lady from Reuters who took it upon herself, though she was only the second reporter to ask questions, to "shift gears to foreign policy." (insert side eye) The first thing I thought was...is it me...or did he just give a 10 minute speech about the economy...and you stand your triflin ass up and immediately ask about Iran. GTFOH here with that.

The next person to break protocol was Ed Henry from CNN who asked about the withdrawal of troops from Iraq and Afghanistan. Though this is tangentially related to the economy, I still felt, in my spirit, that he was off topic.

Two questions later, President Obama calls for a question from Michael Fletcher of The Washington Post. I sat up b/c I realized this was a brotha! Not that I wasn't intently paying attention to the other questions and answers, but I really wanted to see what this brotha had to say.

But...then it happens. Of ALL of the questions in the WORLD that he could have asked, particularly related to the economy, which was the de facto topic of the press conference, THIS BAMA gets up and asks President Obama about his reaction to Alex Rodriguez's admission to using steriods. Very loudly, I said...you HAVE TO BE F**KIN KIDDING ME!! I wanted to jump THROUGH the TV. And, b/c I feel like I know President Obama personally (lol), I feel like, in his spirit, he wanted to say, SIT YOUR TRIFLIN ASS DOWN asking that dumb ass question! Folks are losing their jobs, homes, livelihoods...and you are asking him about BASEBALL?>

I can't.

I just can't.

That is all.

Carry on.