Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Crashgate: Who's to Blame?

So, I'm reading some articles, blogs, and posts about the Salahis crashing President Obama's first White House state dinner. It's funny to me that many people in their comments, and on blogs, seem to be blaming Desiree Rogers, the White House Social Secretary, for the party crashing scandal.

Maybe I'm missing something here. It was my understanding that the Salahis were not on the guest list. So, if this is truly the case, how is Desiree to blame? The real culprit is the Secret Service as it's their responsibility to protect the President. Desiree's responsibilty was to organize the dinner and create the guest list, on which the Salahis did not appear. People are commenting that she should have been there, or had someone on her staff there at the gate with the Secret Service. What is the White House...the club or something? I mean...is it like...me standing at the door in front of Station 9 or Jin or Posh with the VIP list to an invite only party, yet letting other folks in as well on my own accord. Hell no! It's the WHITE HOUSE! If you are not on the list, you are not getting in. Point. Blank. I mean, I went to the White House a few weeks ago to see the Christmas decorations, and one of my friends who was supposed to be on the list, could not get in because his name wasn't on the list. And, it didn't even matter that the President was not even in town, he had to go right back to his car and go home because he was not getting in, even though the White House employee that invited him was there to vouch that he was supposed to be on the list. Secret Service said...NO SIR! And, in the few other times I have had the opportunity to visit the WH, it was the same...no name on the pre-approved list...no entry!

So, in the case of the state dinner, when the First Family would be present, as well, as the First Family of India, and the many other dignataries and luminaries that were rightfully supposed to be in attendance, the Secret Service should have put the brakes on the Salahis when they were indeed not on the list. They are the ones that dropped the ball, not Desiree.