Thursday, November 01, 2007

Throwback Songs that Make You Go Hmmm...

OK...after many requests, I've decided to resume here is what is on my mind right now...

My Launch internet radio staiton has me evaluating the songs that I'm listening to., though this song is that joint, I find it disturbing that Tevin Campbell was singing about breaking it down in 1993 on his "I'm Ready" album, which was a classic, by the way. Clearly, he was like 14...talking about...breaking it down...doing it like some homework...and doing it on the kitchen on the table top...and dripping all over like balls of wax. fast!

And, the next song that comes on...

Last Night. Why did I forget all about Az Yet? That album was actually pretty hot. But, for real...last night you saw the sun, the moon, the mountains and the rivers. For real?

Nucca hush!

That is all.

Carry on.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Les Moonves -- You're FIRED!!

Well, not necessarily Les Moonves, but whomever was in charge of programming on CBS today needs to be fired. Now, I realize that there were several games that had to be broadcasted today for the NCAA Tournament...but, how in the HELL are you going to leave the Florida game with less then 2 minutes left in the game to switch over to the VA Tech game which was in the beginning of the 2nd half. I mean, for real? You just decide that we don't need to see how the end of the game featuring the overall #1 seed...especially with the game being very close. I mean, are you serious? Yeah...who ever made that decision is a jackass and should be fired, as I now only get to see the HIGHLIGHTS of how the damn game ended. (kickin rocks)

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

I Can Die a Happy Man...

ONLY IN THE DISTRICT... this evening, I had one of the experiences of my life. And, here is the play by play:

So, today, my boy B that works on the Hill informed me that he had heard of reception that would be occurring tonight where Stevie Wonder would be performing. So, I made plans to go up to the Hill...however, I left work early. And, apparently, at work, emails went back and forth as to when my group of friends should meet at the Hill. At home, I did chores, ran errands, and then took a nap. When I woke up, it was 6:50 p.m. I go to check my Gmail and B's status says" My DC family and I are off to see Stevie." So, I freak out! I call answer. Finally, he responds and says that we are meeting at 7:30. Praise God for dry cleaning b/c I was able to put on a fresh shirt and suit w/in minutes and off to the Hill I go. Then, when I get to the Hill, he calls and says " I don't think it's open to the public." And, now I'm sitting in my car with heart broken. However, my boy J sends a text and says he is en route to the Hill. When he gets there, he confirms that the event is indeed a closed event. However, he says that he is standing outside the reception room talking to some friends (he formerly worked on the Hill)...he also says that as he was walking in, he saw Chaka Khan outside. So, he planned on just standing outside and people watching. Since I was already there, I decided to join J. I get up to the lobby outside of the room where this "reception" is occurring...and there are people going in. I was indeed jealous, but not hating. As we are standing there, Wynonna walks up and enters the room. And, then J's friend, a Capitol cop says let me see if we can get you guys in. You may not be able to sit down, but you may can stand. So, he says, just follow me in. And, we did. So, we are in.

Turns out...this wasn't just a reception. It was ASCAP's tribute to Stevie Wonder. In fact, they were awarding him with the American Troubadour Award. As I am standing in this small intimate caucus room (with about, I guess 250 other people, most of whom are seated and eating), I get the feeling that I'm about to be in for something special. And, then I look up, and two tables from where I was standing sat Stevie Wonder and Smokey Robinson. At this point, I'm about to lose it. Then, at a table right in front of me was India.Arie. Still, I had no idea what was about to happen. So, the program starts...and then it happens:

First, the famous trumpeteer John Faddis performs Sir Duke.
Then, Joan Osborne performs You are the Sunshing of My Life.
Then, Brian McKnight performs Lately.
Then, Wyclef Jean performs Master Blaster (and he was gangsta as he freestyled about the war until his guitar was ready)
Then, India.Arie performs
Then, Wynonna performs Signed Sealed Delivered
Then, jazz vocalist Dianne Reeves performs
Then, Ashford & Simpson perform their hit You're All I Need to Get By
Then, Chaka Khan performs Tell Me Something Good
Then, Smokey Robinson performs Tears of a Clown
Then, Tony Bennett performs For Once in My Life
Then, Tony Bennett and Stevie Wonder perform the duet For Once in My Life
Then, Stevie Wonder performs My Cherie Amour, Ribbon in the Sky, Overjoyed, AND I Just Called to Say I Love You, in addition to a song that he just wrote two weeks ago and has never performed. read that right. I was done after Wyclef...and literally felt like I was about to pass out after Tony Bennett and Stevie Wonder performed. I'm talking about my knees were shaking and I was trying to contain my happiness and awe. And, I'm not one that gets starstruck. But, the experience was completely surreal. And, I'm still on Cloud 9. Only in the District can you have such an event, which was also attended by numerous members of Congress and the Armed Forces (yeah, I even saw one of the Joint Chiefs of Staff).

Anyways, I'm on my way to bed...but if tonight is it...I'll die happy!

Tuesday, February 27, 2007


It's been a while since I've posted and I have so many random thoughts. So here there are:

1. Pedophiles amaze me...especially the ones that clearly don't watch Dateline NBC. I'm like for real...first of all, you are stupid and going to hell for preying on these young girls. And, then, you are dumb as hell b/c the Dateline guy, I feel like, does this same story (To Catch a Predator, that is) ALL THE TIME! And, then you are going to get on TV and act like your 50-year old ass was just coming over to some random 12 year old girl's house to play cards....talking about...she didn't really say her age. Do you mean to tell me that you don't think that Dateline NBC has been tracking your child stalking ass long enough to know that YOU KNOW how old this child supposedly is? Old dumb raggedy DESERVE to go to jail...and DESERVE to get what is coming to you. Don't drop the soap, homie!

2. The girls on this season of American Idol are leaps and bounds better than the dudes. And speaking of American Idol, if you know that you have pictures out there with you slobbing someone's knob, how about you just don't try out b/c guess what, those pictures are going to get it. So, Antonella're a dumb ho! And, if you ask me, it's your best friend (the one that got cut in the first round) that is responsible for those pictures surfacing.

3. So, I didn't have to go to work today b/c the power was out in my building. It went off at 3:00 p.m. YESTERDAY, and I guess, by this morning, they didn't have it completely restored. Of course, I'm not complaining by any means, b/c I enjoyed my day off. But, I think it is ri-damn-diculous that the power couldn't be restored. Also, why is it that power went out in certain parts of the building but not others. In my office, the lights were on but all of the electronics were out. One of my friends on the second level had no power, not even lights, while the other never lost power. Craziness!

4. Is it me, or did Jennifer Hudson look like Puff the Magic Dragon at the Oscars when she was wearing that damn jacket/wings get up?

5. I wonder who is going to pay for Bobby Brown to get out of jail now...and even after that, who is going to continually pay for his child support?

6. So I went to a club with my frat brother and his friend on Sat. She was like...I think that music will be real good...and the crowd diverse. We go. As soon as I go in, I'm like...I'm clearly not staying here all night. It was a different crowd, but not as diverse as she made it seem. Basically, a whole lot of white and Asian people...with a very black folk here and there. Now, I don't have problem with mixed clubs...but what I do have a problem with is the fact that we were there for 45 minutes to an hour and I'll be damned if the song that was planning lasted for the entire time. I was like...this is like the neverending song. And, then the song didn't even have any words...all I heard was bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump the same pace...yeah for like an hour. Everyone else seemed to be enjoying it...but after awhile, it was more than time to go. Apparently there was a DJ, but he needs to be ASAP!

7. Why in the SAM HELL is there a new reality show where they are supposedly auditioning a new Pussycat Doll? I mean, for real, aren't there like 20 of them already?

8. I hope the Groundhog saw its shadow...cause I'm ready for Spring...and Sundays at Sequoia.

9. Isn't it a tragedy that we are now going to have to break in a new bartender (at Play) after the Cloud debacle last Thursday?

10. Why is it that crackheads always ask for a quarter? For real, a quarter. What in the hell are you going to do with a quarter? Buy a bouncy ball or some bubble gum out of the quarter machine?

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Milton County, GA

A Georgia county divided against itself

A potentially explosive dispute in Atlanta -- the City Too Busy to Hate -- is taking shape over a proposal to break Fulton County in two and split off Atlanta's mostly white, affluent suburbs to the north from some of the metro area's poorest, black neighborhoods.

After living in Atlanta for 3 years, why does this not surprise me? This type of mentality is the same exact reason why MARTA will NEVER be allowed to come into Cobb and Gwinnett counties. As progressive as Atlanta is becoming (especially since the Olympics), it still has a long way to go b/c there is a clear racial divide which still separates that city...the North from the South...the black from the white.

Hollerin Babies. instead of watching the State of the Union, I finished watching Little Miss Sunshine last night; and thus, can't comment on any Bush-isms from last night. But, what I will comment on is...hollering babies on the plane. On Good Morning America yesterday (and this morning, they talked about the incident as well), they had this family who were asked to deplane an AirTran flight b/c their 3 year old daughter was throwing a tantrum. The parents were talking about how she is typical 3-year old...and didn't feel that it was necessary for AirTran to ask them to deplane so as to not disturb all of the other guests. The dad was talking about how he will never fly Airtran again, despite AirTran giving the family vouchers for free flights.

And, I'm thinking to myself. AirTran was justified for their actions! If you can't control your bas ass kid, you need to get OFF the plane. There is nothing worse than having a toddler terror sitting next to or near you on a plane hollering and acting a damn fool. And, I'm talking about...they said the lil girl had done sprawled out on the floor and was hollering non-stop. Furthermore, on this one blog, one of the flight attendants chimed in...and what about the flight attendant said that the girl was not even sitting with the parents. The parents sat in the two seats on one side of the aisle...and let the little girl sit on the opposite side to sit by the window. And, THAT's where she started having her tantrum...and acting up!

WHY in the SAM HELL would you sit a 3-year old child across the aisle next to some other that you can sit next to each other? If it were my parents, it wouldn't have taken AirTran to ask us to leave...I would have been praying for the cops or someone to come b/c Monster Mable (my mama) would have been all over my ass!

But, I digress...maybe I'm insensitve to those types of things b/c I don't have kids. But, don't be mad at AirTran for considering the feelings of the other 100 people on board.