Sunday, February 26, 2006

World Premiere

I was in a production this weekend...and generally, being in front of crowd speaking or doing whatever is nothing to me. Singing, however, is another story. Though everyone has given me very positive feedback, I was up on stage shaking like Muhammad Ali. Then, right before I'm supposed to sing, my mouth loses every bit of saliva...and then I couldn't swallow...I was a mess! I'm just glad it came out well.

And speaking of performances, why is it that the people with the least talent are the first ones to want to volunteer to do something? Have some rhythm before you decide that you want to volunteer to choreograph a dance! Don't be the person that choreographs the dance...and then get on stage and look worse than everyone else!! Thanks. The Management.

Monday, February 20, 2006


OK...this past weekend, I went back to my alma mater. And, I must say, I had a blast! And, I'm also proud to announce that I didn't see anyone that I knew from when I went there...that was still there...and in school. LOL!!

It's funny though how you forget people. There were several people that I saw that I hadn't seen in a long time...some who I hadn't seen since I graduated. These were all people that played different roles in your lives...and yet, as time moves on, they in essence get replaced. I guess the saying is right...people are in your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime.

What's even funnier is that...I am usually very good with names. So, I'm standing out of the step show...and I see this girl who I know...and we are reminiscing about old times. We talking about this...and that...then we see someone else that I haven't seen in forever. And, I'm like...what is her name? And, she's like..that's so and so. And, I'm like...ohhh...that's right. Then I proceed to tell my friend how I saw someone at this happy hour event...and talked to the girl for at least 15 minutes...and knew her...but couldn't for the life of me remember her name. Then we both start laughing....and what about my friend pulls my card...and she's what's my name. And, I say very matter-of-factly...Tasha! WOMP! WOMP! WOMP! Wrong Answer! Thanks. The Management! LOL LMAO! And, she is's Tonya! Um....yeah...who was looking like Boo Boo the Fool? (me jumping up and down) Me me me me!! LOL!

And, then...on top of least 4 people came up to me...1 who I had never met in my tell me how I was their mentor in college! And, I'm like...thanks for saying that...but now I feel older than a wolf! It was definitely flattering, though, to be appreciated!

I also went home this weekend for my city's annual African American Heritage Festival. It is like Black Homecoming in my hometown...lots of people come back just for the festival. It is always good to go home and see the people that helped to raise you. I can attest to the fact that I was indeed raised by a village...and my hometown was definitely my village. Be that as it may, coming home also makes me realize that I truly did grow up in small town America. You gotta love small towns and the folks that live there! My fellow Eustonians crack me the hell up! So many comments...too many to count . Plus, I had some shrimp at the festival that made me want to slap the cook AND my mama!! I don't know what it was they seasoned with...but they put not only their big toe...but their entire foot in those shrimp!! In fact, I want to go and find those people and tell them to fire up the fryer/grill wherever they have to and fix me some shrimp b/c I could've eaten those shrimp until I literally got sick.

Being from a small town, but now living in a large's funny when you come back and see small town folk (and yes I can rightfully say small town folk...b/c though I'm from small town, my parents have always told me that I'm a city boy who just happened to be raised in a small Like the girl who thought that it was cute to get her hair colored red and blonde...walking around looking like a damn rooster. NOT CUTE. Or the guy who was walking around in this black velour jumpsuit when it was 77 degrees out. NOT CUTE and HOT AS HELL! Or the guy who I swore had a damn Jheri curl. HELL TO THE NAW. Or the big girl who was wearing a spandex type turquoise blue jumpsuit (hold on...just had a recurring mental picture and once again threw up in my mouth!). SOOO NOT CUTE...and in fact, an ABOMINATION! Or the various bright ass colored wigs that I saw. Or the man that had perm. Or one of my old friends who is now a proclaimed preacher...yet has a grill that's blinging more than most. GOTTA LOVE THAT!! Or the countless gold teeth that I saw...I could go on and on...but I wouldn't trade it from the world b/c home is home...and definitely where the heart is! LMAO!!

Anyways, a great weekend I had indeed!!

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Reflections on Coretta

I am still truly overwhelmed by the passing of Coretta Scott King. The more I think about it, the sadder I become.

She was indeed a phenomenal woman! She was married to a man with a mission...and nearly 40 years after his death, she made it her mission to ensure that his dream would never be forgotten. And, we have not forgotten!

I can only hope that Mrs. King, and those millions of other dreamers on whose shoulders I stand, are looking down on me...and are proud of the accomplishments that their courage has allowed me to make in my life.

May God bless her soul!

Monday, February 06, 2006

Pet Peeves

1. Bad ass kids. And, in particular, loud ass bad ass kids that ride the metro. Sit your non bill-paying ass down and shut the hell up!

2. Uncleanliness. I realize that I may just be borderline OCD...but damn, if you cook something, clean your fuckin dishes. Don't leave notes talking about...I'll get that tomorrow after work. Hell to the need to clean that shit now.

3. Liars. OK...I get a call from a friend this weekend talking about, yeah...your boy told me that you told him all about me. I'm like, who are you talking about? She says, X. I don't even talk to X like that. In fact, X gets on my fuckin nerves b/c he is always trying to get attention, he is height deficient and his breath stinks. Luckily, she knew how X is and she didn't believe him anyways. But, don't be lying on me....asshole!

4. People that don't speak. Maybe it's b/c I'm from the South...but I just expect that when you speak to people, they will speak back. I mean, is it going to give you a heart attack to speak back to someone who speaks to you. Cold bastards!!

5. People who don't read...and then try to make jokes when their ass gets called on. I'm not saying that I'm a gunner or anything (refer to Pia's World for definition of gunner), but best believe, if I know that I haven't read, I'm not going to class...or I'm going to tell the professor beforehand so that he/she won't call on me. That way, I don't look like an idiot when I am called on and clearly not prepared. And, then if you are not prepared and do get called on, that would not be the time to try to be Adam Sandler. You may just want to apologize for not being prepared and then shut the fuck up! Thanks. The Management.

6. Black belts and brown shoes; or vice versa!

...this will be an ongoing post.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Why? addendum to my Understanding the Rules of Metro post.

Why do people choose to sit right by you when there are clearly several empty rows of seats on the same train? I mean, don't you want your space b/c I damn sure want mine. This morning, I'm sitting in a row all by myself, minding my own damn business, reading the Express. And, lo and behold, this lady decides to plop herself down right next to me. At first, I was not annoyed...but as I looked up and realized that there were NUMEROUS empty ROWS of seats that she could have sat in...I immediately became irritated...and then I had to give her the "Bitch, I KNOW you see all of those empty rows on this train" look. And, then what made it worse is that she proceeded to start blowing her freakin nose very loudly. Now, I'm pissed! Now only are you all up on me...but now you are blowing your freakin germs all over me. Nasty bitch!

Of course, I could have just gotten up and moved myself...but I was CLEARLY sitting in my seat FIRST!! Luckily, she got off at the next stop, and then I had the seat all to myself until I got to my stop...but as you can tell, I'm still irritated.