Sunday, March 26, 2006


WOW! I had a blast this weekend...and I'm more tired den a wolf!!

I don't even know where to start. I met so many cool ass people. And, despite the fact that I gave up the race in 97 (lol), it felt so good to be in the same place as soo many ambitious and educated young people that looked like me.

There are sooo many memorable moments:

1. Room 959...Wednesday, Thursday, Friday AND Saturday night. Way to hold it down Univ of Alabama!
2. It's Party Time!! Double DARKNESS!!
3. JB: Some of these females put on their 30 minutes shoes for a 4 hour boat ride. NOT a good idea!
4. JB: Did you see the shiny shirt? LMAO!!
5. Udoka: You see that lady back there in the orange...that's my mama...and she'll take care of anything that I need.
6. Are they singing showtunes?
7. JM: Did this just turn into a party at Brick City during Step Show weekend?
8. NW: If I don't see our pictures up on the screen, it might get ugly!
9. I bet you all the money that I don't have that those are NOT law students.
10. Did she just say what I think she said...that she was NOT going to give 100%?'s going to be ugly when they don't announce her name and she is the only one running.
11. Was he referring to the founder of our organization when he said that bald gentleman that is sitting on the stage whose name he can't remember?
12. AW: Taste this. Me: This ain't no damn Riesling. Somebody find Dolop. LOL!
13: Does he have on a double-breasted suit? That is soooo Facebookable.
14. Delegate: Actually, Mr. AG, it's supposed to go like this.
15: Me to the security guard at the door: I know you have your whole capacity thing, but my chapter paid for this event. You are going to let me in this door. Security Guard: How do I know that? Me: (looking him dead in the eye) Because I said so! (and then he let me through the door) LOL!
16. Me (after seeing that my school we not listed in the directory): Lord, please calm my nerves...cause I'm on the edge of acting ethnic!!
17. Me to one of my boys on the phone: I think I just saw my 3d wife! I'll call you back. LOL!
18. JP: There were 18 women that got on this bus before one dude did. Damn, damn, damn!
19. JB: Ask only ONE question.
20. TB: I've had enough shots this weekend to last an entire year.
21: T: Just let me know. I've been known to throw a few picks in my time.
22: Random person: Damn...the election is over...and now he den went and got gangsta!
23: Random lady at the next table: And the winner is...(she starts pointing at her eyes).
24: Is Youri dancing? Who would've thunk?
25: Me to several people...and several people to me: Do I know you? Um...I don't think so. Oh, wait, I know you from Facebook. LOL!
26: She must have thought she was going to a strip club and not on a boat cruise.
27: Are those slivers of sequin? LMAO!!
28. Chicken with a white sauce, mashed potatoes and green beans. Same chicken with a green sauce, mashed potatoes, and spinach. Same chicken chopped up and put on pasta with a cream sauce. ... if they serve chicken one more time! LOL!!

...and on and on and on.

Anyways, I know I'm graduating...but best believe I will be in Miami and Atlanta for Conventions 07.

Monday, March 20, 2006

I'm Madder Than a Wolf

OK...I have these clients. I do all that I can to represent them to the utmost. And, what do they do...not show up for fucking court!

I had to get up this morning at 7:00 AM, after having gone to bed at 3 AM, so that I could go to my clinic office and grab everything that I need in court today. Then, I make it to the court ON TIME...9:00 a.m....court doesn't start until 10:15...and my client is a no show. So, I have to get up, stand there looking like boo-boo the fool...and profess that I have no representations about my client's whereabouts.

That shit pisses me off!!

Thursday, March 16, 2006

My Name is Addictive...and I'm an Alcoholic!!

OK...last night, I realized that I'm an alcoholic. Of course, I've had this epiphany at least 17 times before...last night being the latest.

So, after step practice (yep, you read right...the kid is out of retirement, for just a little while), we decided to stop at the local watering hole for a drink. Now, mind you, we only planned on spending about 30 minutes there and then leaving. We get there at around 10:30...and said we'd leave by 11:00. Well, 4 bourbon and ginger ales, 1 bourbon and Coke, 2 Tuaca shots, and a basket of chicken fingers later...we finally left. (And, yes, that is the amount of alcohol I drank by myself. Everyone else had 2 more drinks more than me. Lushes, I tell ya...lushes!) Of course, by then it was 12:30. The sad part is that I was only slightly buzzed, and for the most part, really not feeling it. (though, I can't say that for some of the other folk.)

I know... I know... I'm an alcoholic!!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Pet Peeves: The Addendum

More things that get on my fuckin nerves:

1. People who walk up to the Metro turnstile and put their card in knowing DAMN WELL that they don't have any more money left on it.

2. People who are scared to step onto the damn escalator. I mean, does it really take a whole minute for you to get on the escalator. Move out of the damn way!

3. When people who are extra to the extreme over stupid shit.

4. When you tell people that their breath stinks, and they don't immediately move out of your fuckin face...or immediately attempt to fix that shit.

5. People that ask questions that they already 100% know the answer to.

6. Gas stations that don't have pay at the pump! It's freakin 2006...get with the muthafuckin program!

See, my body may be back in DC, but my mind and spirit are still in Mexico...and dumb folks/shit are making it that much harder for me to accept the fact that I'm back to the grind.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

French Fries and Lent

Those that know me best know that french fries are by far my favorite food. Not chicken, shrimp, crab, lobster, mac and cheese...nope...none of those have nothing on French fries. So, in an act of faith for Lent, I decide to give up French fries for Lent. 40 whole days and nights without French fries.

Of course, Lent started the Wednesday before I went to Puerto Vallarta...and my friends, specifically LP and PJM who would politely take the fries right off of my plate, have been reminding me of my committment. So, far, I've done well...but I must say that I am struggling. I mean, I eat French fries as an entire meal sometime. Just French Fries. No ketchup. No honey mustard. Just fries.


Until April 16th...

Friday, March 10, 2006

Back to Reality

...OK...I'm sadder den a wolf!

I'm back in DC after almost a week in Puerto Vallarta! With that said, you can understand why I'm sad.

But, I very much enjoyed my time there...and plan on going back soon. And, thanks to the seven ladies that allowed me tag along after my boys decided to not go anywhere for Spring Break. I was like...I don't give damn if I'm the only guy in this group...I'll be damned if I stay my ass in the good old USA for my very last Spring Break. I think not! Thanks. The Management.

Here are some of my favorite, or shall I say, memorable moments:

1. The canopy tour. got it...a group of us went swinging through the damn trees! That shit was hella fun!

2. PJ going off on the Maritur lady manager who was trying to steal our money...AND, the young messenger boy who was only trying to crack a joke to ease the tension. LMAO!!

3. Parasailing! YAY!

4. Las Marietas. on one day we went on this all day whale and dolphin wathing, snorkeling, kayaking tour with an open bar...some 45 minutes out into the ocean. So, I decide to go snorkeling. NOT the best snorkeling experience I've ever had...much better in Cozumel and Cancun. I couldn't see shit! Please, I think I may have screamed once after trying to swim away from a gang of jellyfish! LMAO!! Overall, it was a good day trip!

5. The world is small. So, on our first night, we go to Senor Frogs. And, low and behold, who do we run into...random folks from school. Luckily, it was a group of people that we liked. I was like...I'm a need to not be thousands of miles away from DC and end up in the same bar as the people that I see everyday.

6. One note of advice: Don't be a shiner. (Villa del Palmar will get that one) LOL!

7. I actually know Spanish a little better than I thought. Yes, it's true, I travelled with my little Mexican Spanish guide...but for the most part, I could carry on small conversation.

8. The Shrimp Factory! All I can say is...I'm going back to Puerto Vallarta just to go to the Shrimp Factory! It was YUM!!

9. Villa del Palmar. Our PV home was excellent. Nice room with kitchen. Great view. Nice staff (except for the fact that it took them like 20-30 minutes one day to make us 3 damn omelettes). Great activities. And, great low price. Definitely the place where I will be staying when I go back sometime this year.

10. The people. Overall, the people of PV were extremely nice and welcoming.

11. The margaritas and pico de gallo at Pipi's.

12. The margaritas and pico de gallo at Jalisco and Bar Equipales.

13. The 65 cent bottled water, Ciel, which is a Coca-Cola product.

14. The mezcal and almond margarita I brought home.

15. And, Angels and Demons...the book that I started reading that I plan on finishing shortly. That shit is suspenseful as hell.

16. The PERFECT WEATHER! I was laying out on the beach like I was George Hamilton. Now, I'm dark as hell, and I don't give a damn!

So, that's that. As SoulIISoul says...back to life, back to reality!