Friday, December 29, 2006

Happy Hour: The Tragedy

So...I had a rough night last night. But, it starts earlier in the day. I ate lunch at off at 3...came home and took a nap...arose at 6 to go to my favorite happy hour spot.

And, this is where the tragedy begins.

I go to my favorite bartender...who begins mixing my drink as soon as he sees me walk in the door. (TRAGEDY #1)

I have that about 6 more (TRAGEDY #2)

I'm feeling real good....nothing out of the normal for me for a Thursday night.

But hits me. The stomach cramps...and my head begins to spin...and I realize...oh wow, I drank all of that on an empty stomach...I'm drunk and about to vomit. Being the controlled drunk that I am, I take a seat on a stool near my friends...put my head down....and then quickly grab a cup so that I don't vomit all over the place. (TRAGEDY #3) Cup #1 - FULL!

At this point, my friends are in awe b/c I never create this sort of scene. They are actively attending to me...of course, while everyone is watching. (TRAGEDY #4).

At some point, one of my friends is taking a napkin and wiping my forehead. My drunk ass, thinking that this is hilarious, bursts out into laughter...enough so to throw myself off of the stool and onto the floor. (TRAGEDY #5)

Three or four more cups of liquid vomit later (TRAGEDY #s 6-10), I am ready to go. I stand up with head high and proceed out of the door. My friends are trying to figure out who is going to drive me home. As they are formulating the plan, I am steady walking to my car like I'm about to drive myself home. I get to my car...crank it up...and then notice my friends running across the street to stop me. (TRAGEDY #11) I oblige her and then she drives me home...and makes sure I get to bed.

This morning, I awaken to go to work. I hop out of bed, pull a suit out of the closet, and then my head and stomach simultaneously say, "Sit your black ass down!" (TRAGEDY #12) I run to the bathroom, vomit some more, call in to work, and go back to bed for the rest of the day.

At some point, I crawl out of bed...and try to head to the kitchen to get a carbonated beverage. Open the refrigerator and NOTHING!! No carbonation; not even a damn bottle of orange juice. (TRAGEDY #13).

Dark...dark...and special dark!

Needless to say, I stayed my black ass home this evening.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

The Truth Serum

So, I'm at a holiday party on Friday evening. Wine and beer were a-flowing. A group of judges were talking. One judge says...jokingly in response to another..." can be my date to the party next year." Other judge: I'm not into that brokeback nonsense.

LMAO! Needless to say, though I was planning on leaving, I stayed until they left to see if anything else colorfol would be said.

Monday, December 04, 2006

And Then it was Frigid...

So, yeah...I wake up this morning to go the gym before work. I'm one of those strange souls that is OK with waking up at 6:00 a.m. to go and work out before I go to the office. So, anyways, I walk outside...and it is freezing. I I almost start to turn around and go back in the house. But, I was already up...and out...and so I just ran to the gym. Yep...a little adrenalin builder before the actual adrenalin builder. was cold.

But, what about, I came home from work tonight...and walked in my house...only to find that it was not too much warmer than it was outside. I look at the thermostat and it says 65. And, now I'm like...who in the SAM HELL would turn a thermostat to 65 in DC in the winter. I mean, fuck being cheap...that's just downright triflin. So, of course, I turn it up...way up...and now I'm in my room so as to avoid a conflict with the triflin roommate, as I was a little touched a minute ago. He better be glad that he is not home.

On a lighter note...I read the funniest complaint that I have ever read in my life today. A homeless person, whose address was "The Bench outside of 13th and G NW" is suing DC. Among many other things, she is suing for breach of contract after she bought something "that was sold back to her reused." LMAO!! Sad, but funny!