Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Travelogue: Nairobi - Days 2 and 3

(currently sitting at a sports pub listening to Michael Jackson's You Rock My World) Nairobi has been a great experience thus far. Initially, I must admit that I was a little nervous...but only because the State Department issued a travel warning for Kenya just a few weeks ago. But, now that I'm here, I'm A-OK and ready to explore. I can't say the same for BG though. LOL! So, yesterday, our first excursion was to an elephant orphanage. It was awesome and we got to get up close and personal with the pachyderms. Amazing animals. En route to the elephants, I realized that driving in Nairobi is a skill. There are street signs, but I swear for the most part that they are just suggestions on what you should do...that no one seems to follow. And "riding the bumper" is the norm...as if you don't, you can best believe that someone will maneuver their way in front of you. Lol! I was on edge the entire time. Anyways, after the elephants, we went to the Giraffe Center and fed the giraffes. I must admit, this was one of the highlights of my day. The giraffes were eating right out of my hands...and then when they were overit.com, they politely shot us the deuces. LOL! And did you realize that giraffes only sleep between 5 and 30 minutes every 24 hours? Me either. Ha! Then it was lunch time. We went to this great restaurant called Carnivore -- think Kenyan Fogo de Chao. We sat outside, which was nice -- except for the damn cats. I don't know who told the owner of this restaurant that it was OK to have his house cats outside. Like seriously? Cats are evil and I don't trust them. But, I was hungry...so I anyways. Ha! Next up was the croc farm. Yeah...there were crocodiles everywhere and all I could think was...I could make a killing off of some shoes and belts at this joint. LMAO! And then it happened. The worst part of the day. We head over to the Nairobi National Museum and get stuck in the wort traffic I have ever been in in my life. It's bad enough that my nerves were already shot from just riding in the taxi -- but then, to have to sit in this hellish traffic for over two hours was the worst. I fell asleep twice...woke back up and we STiLL were not there. I was about to just get out of the car and walk...though I didn't know where the hell I was. It was torture. And then, you know we got to the museum and that joint was closed. I started to have a hissy fit like a 5 year old...but it would have been to no avail. So, back to The hotel we went to chill and unwind from that hellish traffic situation. After a few hours, it was time to hit the streets bc I was like, I'll be damned if I come to Nairobi and not go out - terror warning or no terror warning. So I do some Internet research and we ask a few of the hotel folks, and we end up at the spot called The Florida Club. Ha! How fitting! It was aight..very safe...a decent crowd...and cheap drinks. But speaking of cheap drinks, why is it that any drink here consists of a shot. Like one. Like, Ki ordered a double Jameson and that joint came out looking like a double shot. WTH! We ended p just ordering a bottle of Kenyan rum for like $20.00. And after finishing the bottle...it was time to call it a night. Day 2: why in the world we told our driver to be outside at 9 am is beyond me bc clearly we were hungover. And of course, he was actually there by 845. SMH! Anyways, off to the museum we go. It was actually pretty awesome. Great learning about the rich culture of his great land. After the museum, it was off to the famous Massai Market. Time for bargaining. We played good cop-bad cop. It's funny though bc these salesmen were really trying to get us. Ummm...pump your breaks, sir...you don't know us and we don't take well to attempted bamboozling. No sir. We will give you $35 for all of that. And if you can't work with that, then we will move on to the next person. LOL! Needless to say, we ended up with some good deals. After that, it was time to get some rest...and then do a little self guided walking tour. I mean...you know I had to get some pictures. And now...I am sitting here...anxious about our next stop. Tanzania, here we come in the am.

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