Sunday, November 20, 2011

Travelogue: Nairobi - Arrival

Its 9:50 am in Nairobi. After traveling for nearly 24 hours (8 hour flight to Paris, 6. Hour layover, and then another 8 hour flight to Nairobi), we finally arrived in the Motherland. I don't think it has hit me yet because we arrived at night, and I really couldn't see anything. But, I'm uber synced about what the day has in store. To be honest, we were a little apprehensive about coming to Kenya since the State Department issued a travel warning for Kenya a few weeks ago. And, though I will be extra careful while here, my anxiety level has completely diminished...well, for the most part. So far, everyone has been very nice and accommodating, and I can only hope it stays that way. Last night, as I briefly Skyped with my parents so that they could see that I made it here safely, it dawned on me how abundantly blessed I am to be able to travel the world. Though my parents have travelled and lived in different places around the world (my dad is a 22 year Army vet), I know it makes them extremely proud that I have put myself in a position to be able to see the world...and that makes me happy. #butforthegraceofgod Anyways, it's time to see what this city has to offer.

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