Thursday, April 20, 2006

My Baby Was Violated

So, last night I went to a potluck. It was my intention when I left to go to the library and study until it closed at 2. But, I was tired...probably b/c I did not have a chance to take my daily I decided to come home. And, on my home, IT happened. I'm driving southbound down 9th Street in the far left lane. And, right near the intersection of 9th and I (near Pearl), this little Dodge Neon attempt to make a left turn from the 2ND LANE (instead of the proper lane to make such a turn, which is the lane that I was in!) So, you know what happened...BAM!! He ran right into me!! My poor Protie (my car's name) was violated!!

Then, we get out of the assess the damage. He is like...I'm OK...can we just exchange numbers? Um...hell to the naw. Let's pull over out of all this traffic and look around b/c I feel like my car is NOT OK. So, we hop into our cars...and decide to pull over to a side street. So, I'm thinking that he is going to pull over at the next street. That was not the fact, I felt like he was trying to escape, as I got caught at the next light...and he kept on going. Luckily, I had written down his tag number as soon as I got back into my car. Finally, as the light is green, I speed up and start flashing him. Then, he pulls over on E street (yep that's now 4 complete blocks away) and stops the car. I get out to look at the damage...and realize that my poor Protie is hurting pretty bad. The entire right side of my car was damaged somewhat, especially the front. In fact, my passenger door would only open a bit. He gets out of the car and starts looking at the damage. Then, he's like...are you sure you weren't speeding? Are you fucking serious? Um...NO I was not! Furthermore, it wouldn't matter anyways b/c you made a left turn from an internal lane...not the left lane. Had you been in the left lane making that turn, we would not have had an accident...but since you decided to cut across a lane to make a turn without first looking to see if anyone was coming, you hit me! Thanks. The Management. Then, he's're right. I'm like...I know that.

So, of course, I get all of his information plus all of his mother's information as she is the one that's insured...while calling the police. Now it around 11:00 p.m. I find out that he is this little young kid...19...driving his sister's car...without a driver's license. (He has one but it's not on him.) Oh well...that's your fault. So, we're waiting on the cops, who said that they were on their way. That was a lie. At 11:30...still no I call them back. They are still on their way. At 11:45...still no cops. Another call. Another lie. 12:00 ...still no cops. FINALLY, AT 12:10, the police arrive...mind you, the accident occurred at 10 till 11. The cop apologizes for his tardiness but says they sent him to the wrong quadrant. LIES! Anyways, after talking to the both of us, and seeing that we were OK...and that our cars were drivalbe, he explains to us that DC is a "no fault" jurisdiction and that no report would be was up to us to handle it through our insurance companies. So, you're telling me that I just wasted over an hour of my life waiting for you...and your BAMA ass is not going to fill out a report. HELL TO THE NAW!! You are going to give me something...even if it's just your badge number. Then, he decides, after finding out the other guy doesn't have his license that a report will be made. Damn skippy!!

So, by the time all that happens, it is now almost 1 a.m....two hours from when the incident occurred. So, much for the efficiency of MPD. We finally are allowed to go...I get home and run right up to get my camera and take pictures...and then go to bed.

So much for my night of rest!

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