Monday, August 21, 2006

Working is Overrated was the first day in the rest of my life. Yep, I again entered into the work force...and I must say it was boring as hell. The first day consisted of hours of HR stuff...stuff which I could have done in a matter of an hour. But, I had to go through the motions of sitting there and acting like I had no idea what they were talking about, despite my prior three years in HR and 2 years interning for the federal government. Oh well...I guess it comes along with the territory of new employment. I, of all people, should know that.

There were some highlights of the day:

1. When I finally was let go by HR, I went to my office to discover that they had already changed out all the name plates and put my name on the door outside and on my desk. That was cool.
2. I actually went through a mini-swearing in procedure.

The most memorable part of the day, however, was when walking to lunch with the 2 other people that started today. As we were about to cross the street, one of the girls somehow missed the curb and fell. And, it wasn't just your ordinary was like the worst fall in the the middle of an extremely busy intersection. It was so bad that she had to sit on the ground for a second and recoup. Now...of course, I helped her up and made sure that she was OK...but from that point on, I walked in front of the 2 ladies b/c I didn't want them to see that I was laughing uncontrollably. That shit was the funniest thing that I have seen in a long time. I'm laughing about it as I sit here and type. Good thing that she was alright.

...and another, I get off work today...totally intended to come straight home and come to the gym. that didn't happen. I came home and took a 2 hour nap...the best nap I've had in a long time...a nap so good that I plan on doing the same thing tomorrow...which means going to the gym BEFORE work. We'll see how this works.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Customer Service

I truly don't believe that some people understand the importance of quality customer service. It is a matter of what most of us learned from our parents even before we started school...and that is to do unto others as you would have them do unto you. And, when running a business, it is imperative that you treat people with respect and fairness to ensure that they will support your business in the long run.

Where is this coming from?

Last night, one of my "co-workers" acted a damn fool at the door of a party, which is NOT good customer service. And, though I was on the verge of calling her the bitch that she was, I refrained to not cause a scene...but best believe that when the crowd died down, I went over and put her ugly ass in check. Needless to say, she won't be working the door anymore.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Stepping into the Darkness

Well...I have finally done it. I have finally stepped into that which is dark...that which is MySpace. And, I have already found myself wasting precious time looking at other people's pages. The funny thing is that I am already addicted to Facebook, which I must say that I like 10 times better than MySpace. Yes, MySpace has the music and videos...but it is much harder to navigate...and I'on know about the fact that I am on the same network with my 17 year old nephew and his friends. The real reason that I joined is actually legit however...this year marks my 10 year reunion and as the president of my senior class, I have organized the reunion. One of the classmates on my committee informed me that several of our "lost" classmates had pages on MySpace...and thus, in order to promote the reunion, I joined and found those classmates. (Yes, I'm also on,, of them in order to promote this reunion). So, he was right...and now the word for our late September reunion is spreading more rapidly...which is exactly what I wanted. Outside of the reunion, however, I still have spent too much time on this beast called MySpace...and can already see how it is addictive.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Caribana 2006

...all I have to say is WOW! I had a BLAST in Toronto for Caribana. And, as that was my first time in Toronto, I have to give it one big fat THUMBS UP! It's like a mini-NY, except it is CLEAN and the people are NICE. And, I don't know if it was just b/c of Caribana, but if the women of Toronto are as beautiful as all the ones that we saw, I may just have to think about moving. (OK...not really b/c despite the fact that I like cold weather and the snow, I don't do blizzards)

Anyways, here are some memories....not exactly a top ten b/c it is early and I am old and can't remember everything...but definitely some good memories...

1. The look on GFW's face when he pulled a 9 while we were playing Kings.
2. The trombone and the tuba. LMAO!!
3. PC and the parade. Let's just say that someone was extremely happy and in their element.
4. The mosh pit or whatever at the White Party. In particular, EE...what happened to you man...why is your white not white anymore? LOL!
5. The Karaoke Bus.
6. GFW: That was more like 2 strikes. You have one more time and then it is on.
7. The mall parking lot at Christmas time.
8. Rappin ForTay at the club...talking to me about the Silver Fox. Um...yeah....we are in Toronto, NOT in Duval!
9. You will have a guilty conscience about the headband. lol
10. Where's WW? I think we lost him.
11. Why is the only time that we saw a near fight in the club when we went to the Def Jam (American) party?
12. It's CARNIVAL!! ... this is the song that we heard at least 10 times each day that we were in Toronto.
13. Clearly someone did not get the memo that wearing those 50Cent thick strap tanks is a no-no...and especially to the club with dress pants. NOT a good look!
14. It's all about the points.
15. That nasty ass rice outside of the takes like seasoned cardboard.
16. GFW in club sizing up any and everybody he walked passed.**a what?
17. REE to the Hooters waitress: Could we have a do ever?
18. Me: Um...who just grabbed my booty? GFW: That girl and her friend right there that just ran down the street.
19. You mean to tell me that all you have is doughnuts? I mean, how are you going to be advertising 24 hours and you don't have any meat?
20. GFW: (excited) That's Dwight Gooden. Me: You mean, Drew. LOL!

Anyways...another wonderful time with my boys...the ones that keep me grounded. As soon as the points are built back up, off to London. LOL!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

The Heat is hotter than a witch's nipple outside!! I mean...damn...I'm supposed to be living up North and it is hotter here than it is in my native Florida. And, here I am telling people that I could not move back to Florida b/c of the heat...well, if that's true, then I need to move to Canada b/c Florida heat and humidity has taken over the District.

Speaking of today I go to court to watch some cases. And, one dude was up on a show cause for possible violation of probation. So, the probation officer is telling the judge how the guy has been coming in and testing negative...except for one week, he refused to be tested. And, the judge is couldn't you be tested that week? I mean, if you have been testing negative all this time, why all of a sudden are you refusing to be tested? Sounds to me like your piss is going to be cloudy (ok...he didn't say it like that...but that is what he clearly was thinking). So, then the guy wasn't my fault, your honor. I couldn't go...I just couldn't use it that week. And, of course, the judge is like...b/c you would test positive, right. And, then the guy, your honor, it's because I got burned...and I couldn't pee. Now...I'm thinking...ooooohh.....he got burnt....I wonder if the judge knows what "burned" means. Clearly, he didn't b/c he goes...well how did you get burned? At this point, it is taking everything that I have NOT to burst into laughter. Then the guy goes...Sex, your honor. The look on the judges face at this point is could see it set in on him. Then, he's like...SIDEBAR!! LMAO!! Now THAT was hilarious!!