Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Stepping into the Darkness

Well...I have finally done it. I have finally stepped into that which is dark...that which is MySpace. And, I have already found myself wasting precious time looking at other people's pages. The funny thing is that I am already addicted to Facebook, which I must say that I like 10 times better than MySpace. Yes, MySpace has the music and videos...but it is much harder to navigate...and I'on know about the fact that I am on the same network with my 17 year old nephew and his friends. The real reason that I joined is actually legit however...this year marks my 10 year reunion and as the president of my senior class, I have organized the reunion. One of the classmates on my committee informed me that several of our "lost" classmates had pages on MySpace...and thus, in order to promote the reunion, I joined and found those classmates. (Yes, I'm also on classmates.com, reunion.com, alumniclass.com...all of them in order to promote this reunion). So, he was right...and now the word for our late September reunion is spreading more rapidly...which is exactly what I wanted. Outside of the reunion, however, I still have spent too much time on this beast called MySpace...and can already see how it is addictive.


..Sue...Zette... said...

MySpace sucks! But I guess...everybody is doing it....lol

Unknown said...

I completely agree. It has nothing on Facebook...other than people that have not pursued higher education. lol ;)