Thursday, February 02, 2006

Why? addendum to my Understanding the Rules of Metro post.

Why do people choose to sit right by you when there are clearly several empty rows of seats on the same train? I mean, don't you want your space b/c I damn sure want mine. This morning, I'm sitting in a row all by myself, minding my own damn business, reading the Express. And, lo and behold, this lady decides to plop herself down right next to me. At first, I was not annoyed...but as I looked up and realized that there were NUMEROUS empty ROWS of seats that she could have sat in...I immediately became irritated...and then I had to give her the "Bitch, I KNOW you see all of those empty rows on this train" look. And, then what made it worse is that she proceeded to start blowing her freakin nose very loudly. Now, I'm pissed! Now only are you all up on me...but now you are blowing your freakin germs all over me. Nasty bitch!

Of course, I could have just gotten up and moved myself...but I was CLEARLY sitting in my seat FIRST!! Luckily, she got off at the next stop, and then I had the seat all to myself until I got to my stop...but as you can tell, I'm still irritated.

1 comment:

..Sue...Zette... said...

LMAO...yo you wilin...some people don't know the rules of social distance...