Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Understanding the Rules of Metro

OK...one of my largest pet peeves centers around people that don't know the rules of riding the Metro. And, I'm not talking about the thousands of tourists that ride our wonderful Metro system everyday...it's the regular Metro riders that irk my nerve...those that ride very often, if not everyday, and still don't know the flow.

So, for all the Metro riders out there reading this...observe the rules of Metro.

1. First of all, the escalators have two sides: the right side for the riders and the left side for the walkers...that's right, Metro escalators have a "passing lane." As such, if you plan on riding the escalator all the way up or down, move your ass over to the right side.

2. As you are approaching your stop, don't wait until the train stops to proceed to the door. Get up and attempt to move toward your door so that you can get off as swiftly as possible. The longer you take to get off, the longer it takes for people to board.

3. Have your fare cards out and in your hands BEFORE you get to the turnstile. What I cannot stand more than anything is waiting behind someone who standing at the turnstile and digging in their coats, purses, wallets...trying to find their farecards...while blocking the damn turnstile lane. Shame on you!

4. If it is rush hour, move all the way to the middle of the car once boarding the train. If you are at Metro Center at 5:30, you canNOT be the first person on the train, and then you have the right to just stop and perch at the door...while 300 other people are trying to get in that same door. Move all the way in, asshole!!

5. If you ride the metro everyday, get a SMARTCARD!! Why regular metro riders don't take the time to purchase a $5 Smartcard is beyond me.

6. If you are a child, act as a child. Sit on the metro and BE QUIET! The second most annoying thing about being on the metro is loud ass school kids. Shut the hell up!! There is not that much going on in elementary and middle school that you have to talk so much...and talk so loud!! Children just don't have proper home training these days!

7. Guess what? Another train is coming. So, don't kill yourself by breaking the door open to get on a train. I promise you (unless it's close to midnight during the week, or 3 on the weekends) another train is coming.

Those are the rules....adhere to them!


The Management.

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