Sunday, January 29, 2006

I'm an Addict

Yep...that's right...I'm an addict. I am finally out of the stage of denial...and now I can accept my addiction. Only through acceptance can I finally overcome it.

And, what is my addiction...

Well, it's not crack...b/c crack is wack! But, one may argue that it is a form of crack...internet crack...called Facebook!

That's right...I'm addicted to the point where it is something like this. I wake up in the morning, turn on my computer, check me email...and FACEBOOK. I put my computer on standby...pack it up...get ready for school...go to the Metro...get to school...go to class...check my email and FACEBOOK. I leave that class...go to the for a few...go to the next class...check my email and FACEBOOK. Then, I am done with class...head to the library (actually, THAT is a bold face lie...I haven't seen the inside of the library since last year) some work...go to some with my students...go home...check my email and FACEBOOK! Then I manage to leave my computer on...with my email and Facebook logged on just in case there is an update that I need to check out (especially the commentary associated with one particular picture...LMAO). And, best believe, before I close my eyes for the evening, I check my email and FACEBOOK one last time to make sure I didn't miss anything.

I live a sad, sad life!! And, it's all the fault of JC, AL, MR, DA, TS, PJM, JP, JB, KB, SS, RF, PC, SC, JR...yep, it is b/c of all of you and your comments that I addicted. What kind of friends are you to contribute to my addiction? Sad, sad, sad!

On a random note, I finally secured employment for next year...and I must say I am truly blessed!!

Anyways, back to checking Facebook updates...I have to figure out some way to wean myself off of it...but at this point, I don't see that happening in the near future.

OK...and why am I also addicted to the Boondocks...and Desperate Housewives (yep...I'm ashamed to admit it, but my friend made me watch the first episode of this second season b/c she said it was a good show...and though I was adamantly opposed to it...she was actually right...and now my lame ass makes sure that I am in front of a TV every Sunday evening). Pathetic, I tell ya!

Yep...that's right..I'm an addict!

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