Monday, January 09, 2006

I'm Over it Already school started again today...the beginning of the end of my law school career. Or, as my mom puts it, the beginning of the beginning of the rest of my life.

Anyways, today I had Admin Law. OVER IT!! I mean, first of all, I haven't even purchased the book yet. And, then, though I truly appreciate the Socratic method as it forces me to be prepared for class on a daily basis, I don't expect the Socratic method to be used on day one. Why, you ask? First of all, many people are just "testing" out the class and deciding whether they will remain enrolled or it is very likely that they will not have purchased the book. Next, some people just have not had a chance to purchase the book yet. So, don't start cold calling people on day one! Ask for freakin volunteers!! Had he called me today, he would have gotten one big WOMP WOMP WOMP...pump your brakes...I don't have the book yet. Thanks. The Management.

And...why hasn't my financial aid arrived yet. I mean, they SAY that it was mailed on 12/ 2 day express. So, I mean...shouldn't it have posted to my account by now? Someone has my money...and I am going to have to go Inspector Gadget on their ass!!

1 comment:

..Sue...Zette... said...

Thank God I took the grad school route or I'd have been screwed every semester...GSU just got book deferment this past fall and took away our ability to get fin aid before the semester started...ain't that 'bout a bia...

Good luck in your last semester...I know you'll do great thangs