Sunday, January 22, 2006

We Were Robbed

First I must say...WE WERE ROBBED!! Yep...that's right...GWBLSA was robbed...and there is a conspiracy in the ranks!

There's no way in the world that my chapter was not the chapter of the year! I REFUSE to believe, or accept it! But, that's OK...I realize that politics is politics. Best believe, though, that I can play that game too...and do believe that come March, the phoenix shall rise. But, it's just business, nothing personal. I love e'rybody!! (ok...not e'rybody...but you get the point, it's just a game).

Now, this weekend I attended the MABLSA Conference. I can honestly say that I thoroughly enjoyed myself. With the exception of the tyrant moot court judges, whom I found to be hysterical (yes, I was really laughing in the inside b/c though they were all cool people outside of the courtroom, when they were "playing their role" I sometimes felt like they needed a hobby); the food at the hotel; the Crowne Plaza (that lacked any kind of grand me bourgie, I don't care, but can I get a grand staircase or a big crystal chandelier or something? Thanks. The Management.); the fact that stuff in Philly closes at 2 (clearly NOT a real city); ang going back to the Crowne Plaza, the fact that they were trying to keep my car hostage; the fact that it costs $29 a day to park; the fact that the Sprite at Tragos was flat (that one's for you, Pia); the fact that the stupid boat operators would not let my two members on the boat even though the boat was still tied to the fuckin pier....ok, so I have a lot of exceptions, but I truly did enjoy my weekend...and I can attribture the most of that to the GW contingency that represented at the conference. Our mock trial team finished third overall, the moot court team 4th. But, GW had me cracking up from the second we got to Philly. Classic lines of the weekend:

1) D (to the waitress at Friday's after ordering and receiving her amaretto sour...with a straight face): Excuse me, miss...I don't want this drink anymore...I'm a recovering was a moment of weakness!! ROTFLMAO!!

2) K (to B): You shole is hungry!!

3) Let the record reflect...this witness is LYING!!

4) K (after the banquest speaker says that she doesn't know about unconditional love): She don't know Jesus!!

5) D (after doing our drive-by historical tour this morning...while driving home and seeing an old wooden house from the highway): And, I bet that's where Sojourner Truth was born! (this particular comment almost made me get into a traffic accident b/c I could not breathe from laughing so hard)

6) J (talking about B after their first round): I truly believed that she was possessed.

7) Me (at Fridays): Ain't nothing wrong with random bouts of bulimia.

8) D (at Fridays...and again with a straight face): I read that it was good for you to, every once
in a while, pick up and eat food that you have dropped on the ground b/c it helps to build up your immune system. LOL!!

9) B (to the waitress at Fridays after eating all of the chicken on her salad): Excuse me, I really am displeased with this salad. It is way too spicy. Could you take this back and get me something else? I've only eaten the breadstick on this plate!!
Um...B, I'm a need you to realize that you have eaten all the chicken and half the salad...talkin bout you only ate the breadsticks. Let the record reflect that she is LYING!! LOL

10) The 100 year old bartender at the hotel: Excuse me, where did they say the after party was going to be? And, what are the drink specials? LMAO!! Um...first of all, who invited you? And, second, you are 320 years old...I'm a need you to take your Andy Rooney looking self, put on your slippers, and go to bed. Thanks. The Management.

I tell ya....yo...I haven't laughed as hard as I did this weekend in a long time. And, I had a great time...can't wait until nationals.

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