Friday, March 10, 2006

Back to Reality

...OK...I'm sadder den a wolf!

I'm back in DC after almost a week in Puerto Vallarta! With that said, you can understand why I'm sad.

But, I very much enjoyed my time there...and plan on going back soon. And, thanks to the seven ladies that allowed me tag along after my boys decided to not go anywhere for Spring Break. I was like...I don't give damn if I'm the only guy in this group...I'll be damned if I stay my ass in the good old USA for my very last Spring Break. I think not! Thanks. The Management.

Here are some of my favorite, or shall I say, memorable moments:

1. The canopy tour. got it...a group of us went swinging through the damn trees! That shit was hella fun!

2. PJ going off on the Maritur lady manager who was trying to steal our money...AND, the young messenger boy who was only trying to crack a joke to ease the tension. LMAO!!

3. Parasailing! YAY!

4. Las Marietas. on one day we went on this all day whale and dolphin wathing, snorkeling, kayaking tour with an open bar...some 45 minutes out into the ocean. So, I decide to go snorkeling. NOT the best snorkeling experience I've ever had...much better in Cozumel and Cancun. I couldn't see shit! Please, I think I may have screamed once after trying to swim away from a gang of jellyfish! LMAO!! Overall, it was a good day trip!

5. The world is small. So, on our first night, we go to Senor Frogs. And, low and behold, who do we run into...random folks from school. Luckily, it was a group of people that we liked. I was like...I'm a need to not be thousands of miles away from DC and end up in the same bar as the people that I see everyday.

6. One note of advice: Don't be a shiner. (Villa del Palmar will get that one) LOL!

7. I actually know Spanish a little better than I thought. Yes, it's true, I travelled with my little Mexican Spanish guide...but for the most part, I could carry on small conversation.

8. The Shrimp Factory! All I can say is...I'm going back to Puerto Vallarta just to go to the Shrimp Factory! It was YUM!!

9. Villa del Palmar. Our PV home was excellent. Nice room with kitchen. Great view. Nice staff (except for the fact that it took them like 20-30 minutes one day to make us 3 damn omelettes). Great activities. And, great low price. Definitely the place where I will be staying when I go back sometime this year.

10. The people. Overall, the people of PV were extremely nice and welcoming.

11. The margaritas and pico de gallo at Pipi's.

12. The margaritas and pico de gallo at Jalisco and Bar Equipales.

13. The 65 cent bottled water, Ciel, which is a Coca-Cola product.

14. The mezcal and almond margarita I brought home.

15. And, Angels and Demons...the book that I started reading that I plan on finishing shortly. That shit is suspenseful as hell.

16. The PERFECT WEATHER! I was laying out on the beach like I was George Hamilton. Now, I'm dark as hell, and I don't give a damn!

So, that's that. As SoulIISoul says...back to life, back to reality!

1 comment:

..Sue...Zette... said...

Damn I need a vacation!!!