Friday, April 28, 2006

She's Alive


Protie is ALIVE and well...and is NOT totalled! (doing my holy ghost dance)

And, not only did they "save" her...they gave me a check to get her fixed...and said that I could go back to the original body shop OR I could choose any other body shop that I wanted (which to me meant...let me see if I can go get the same service and repairs done somewhere were the cost is more reasonable...and save a few of these bucks.) LOL! now, it's on to find that deal! Thank God that I'll have time to do that after Monday evening!

ok...on a side note...

next week, I'm actually doing an over nighter with my internship. We have to go up to Harrisburg, PA to do an interview/investigation. Hmm...I haven't decided if I wanna go or not because 1) it's in Harrisburg, PA....and what in the HELL is in Harrisburg, PA; 2) I'm not to keen on being in the same car/train/whatever form of transportation we are taking with the main investigator for that amount of time; 3) OK..there is no three, it's just a good round number. Funny how I'm in my last two weeks of working at my internship...and in the 2 years that I have worked there, this is the FIRST time I've done an overnight.

on a super side note...

I heard JJ Fad on the radio today. The S is for super, and the U is for unique. The P is for perfection and you know that we are freaks. LOL! I wonder if their families make them perform that song at every family reunion? LOL!

1 comment:

..Sue...Zette... said...

Let the chu'ch say...AMEN.