Wednesday, May 31, 2006

I Love My Chick

For JNM, this is NOT about the boocakes. LOL!

Anyways, I just saw this Busta Rhymes video for the first time, and it has absolutely solidified my love for Gabrielle Union. I love everything about that woman...especially when she plays roles like the one in the video...or like the psycho lead in Deliver Us from Eva. Something about a female who has psycho potential is a turn on to me for some reason. LMAO! Maybe, I'm a glutton for pain/drama/living on the edge. Or maybe, on this first day of my bar review classes, I have lost my mind. LOL!

Monday, May 22, 2006

Emotional Rollercoaster

This weekend has been one of the most memorable and emotional weekends of my life. It was the culmination of over three years (four counting LSATS and applications) of my life. It was the end of one season and the beginning of another. And I find myself sitting here at the computer this early because of my inability to go to sleep. I can't sleep because when I close of my eyes I can see the faces of the people that have become my family for the last three years. I remember the first time that I met each and every one of them...I remember all of the struggles that we went through to get to that point yesterday when they called our names...each one as new attorneys at law. I see there faces and I am so happy and proud of them for persevering...for making it! At the same time, I shed tears...not because I am sad that law school is over...but because I realize that though we will always be friends, things will never be the same. I shed tears because some of those people that have become my brothers and my sisters are at this very moment getting on planes or in cars to drive away from the District to distant places. Never again will each of us a Top Shelf away (lol). And, saying goodbye...or so long...or see you such a hard thing to do in situations where the people that parting are such a large part of your life. So, I shed tears both of joy and of sadness...but knowing that I am so blessed to have had and blessed to continuously have each and everyone of them in my life...whether near or far!

Monday, May 15, 2006


Graduation is one of those times in your life when you see the fruits of your labor. It's an exciting time...a time of true personal achievement.

But, as the actual day gets closer, I'm beginning to get sad b/c some of the people that have shared this experience called law school with me will be leaving. What's funny is that, as I get older, the more emotional I get about stuff like this. When I graduated from high school, I was cool . . . no tears . . . no real emotions . . . it was more like . . . thank God I'm going to college. Graduation from undergrad . . . the same thing . . . leaving grad school to come to law school . . . same thing (well, actually, I was cool all the way up until the time that I was driving away . . . then it hit me that I was leaving.) LOL! But, now, the day hasn't even gotten here and I'm thinking about the fact that, on Monday, SC, BM, BE, JT, SS, NDM, JKR, LP, VDZ, LC, CS and others are leaving DC. That sort of blows my mind. Law school is sort of like being on line again . . . it's an experience that only those who go through it with you will understand. It's an experience that forces you to really get to know some people . . . and these people get to see you at your best and at your worst. So, the fact that they won't be around is a little jarring.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Full Recovery

My Protie made it through surgery without a hitch. Ok...well...maybe with one they drove me car around to me this morning, I was so excited and pleased with the job that they did. But, something didn't look right. Then, I noticed that they ordered the wrong wheel cover. They ordered the one that originally came with my car...but I had gotten newer ones after someone STOLE one of my wheel covers this past summer (who in the HAYLE steals wheel covers?). So, until Monday, one of her shoes is missing...but other than that, she came out of surgery looking and feeling better than she did before she went in.


Wednesday, May 10, 2006

A Living Nomad dawned on me this past month that I have moved every year of my life for the past 10 years. That is crazy when you think about it. From undergrad to grad school to working to law school, I have decided with the change in each year that is would be appropriate for me to make a move. What's funny about that is that I absolutely hate moving b/c you realize how much stuff you actually accumulate with each new move. It's amazing. So, this year, I decided that this was going to be the year when my permanent address would not change. I currently share a beautiful rowhouse with 3 roommates and the situation has been great (other than the occassional uncleanliness). We each made a decision that we would stay in this house, which is owned by an older couple that moved away to do missionary work. So, Monday, our roommate (who is sort of like our house manager/correspondent with let us know that the owners would be coming Tuesday morning to have the house appraised. I was like...appraised? As in they are thinking about selling? And, then on Tuesday morning, as I open the front door to leave the house, the owner is sitting outside on the front patio waiting on the appraiser. Say it ain't so. Then, house manager comes home and tells us that he talked to the owner who IS considering selling the house...and that our property manager (the couple hired a property manager to manage the house for them...and he happens to live right next door...and is this very rich guy that owns a large construction company) is considering purchasing the house, as he and his wife are having a second child and want a larger house.

Ain't that about a bitch? The one time that I am trying NOT to move...may be the one time that do I have to move. :(

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Business Travelling I was hype about going on my first overnight business trip of my internship after being employed here for 2 whole years!

Now...I'm over it!

First of all, I'm in HARRISBURG, PA! Womp, womp, womp!

Second, I'm with one of my co-workers that isn't wrapped to tight. Now, I let him drive b/c I knew I had stuff to do...and I knew that I had a hangover from last night and wanted to go to sleep. Do you know that it took us 15 minutes to get from our job to the Beltway...a trip that literally should take 5 minutes. And, it wasn't b/c there was traffic. It was b/c he was determined to use his portable GPS system...and when he made a wrong turn...instead of following it...he went all the way down Georgia to Walter Reed (mind you, we work in downtown Silver Spring) to take Alaska to 16th go north back to Silver Spring...then took 16th all the way to Connecticut to get on the Beltway. I was like...where in the holy HELL is he going? And, what made it so bad is that he was complaining about other drivers...when he almost killed us b/c he almost missed the I-95 exit off of the Beltway. So, here we go zooming through 4 lanes of traffic to make the exit. Mind you...if he would have just been listening to his GPS system, he would have been in the correct lane. Dumb ass!! At this point, I decide it's time for me to go to sleep.

Then, I wake up..and we are in Harrisburg...and again, instead of just using the Mapquest directions that I pulled up, he was pressed to listen to his GPS system..and lo and behold, he doesn't listen again and misses a turn. Again, I say, DUMB ASS!!

We finally make it to the hotel...and he's like, what time do you want dinner? Is 7 to late? I don't care...cause now I'm like, I really don't feel like sitting at dinner and talking to these two. (another guy was with us that I just met today). But, we went...and then it was back to the hotel. Praise GOD that I have my own room b/c I KNOW that he would have been irking my damn nerve.

Let's just say that tomorrow will be a long day.

Note to Self: From now on, DO NOT not volunteer your ass to go on overnight trips with certain folks.


The Management.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Thank You JESUS!!

I have sooo much to be thankful for....and today, I am truly thankful for it all. In particular, I'm thankful that God has brought me through this part of my life called law school. This time of my life I have had to lean on him more than ever before. And, though I feel like I completely bombed my last ever law school exam last my parents told me last night, HE did not bring me this far to leave me.

So, now I'm done...and it feels more weird than a wolf. I actually didn't have to set my alarm last night (that of course will be a short lived feeling once bar classes start). And, on May 21, though I'm done NOW, I'll officially be awarded with my my degree. Ain't that a blessing!