Wednesday, May 10, 2006

A Living Nomad dawned on me this past month that I have moved every year of my life for the past 10 years. That is crazy when you think about it. From undergrad to grad school to working to law school, I have decided with the change in each year that is would be appropriate for me to make a move. What's funny about that is that I absolutely hate moving b/c you realize how much stuff you actually accumulate with each new move. It's amazing. So, this year, I decided that this was going to be the year when my permanent address would not change. I currently share a beautiful rowhouse with 3 roommates and the situation has been great (other than the occassional uncleanliness). We each made a decision that we would stay in this house, which is owned by an older couple that moved away to do missionary work. So, Monday, our roommate (who is sort of like our house manager/correspondent with let us know that the owners would be coming Tuesday morning to have the house appraised. I was like...appraised? As in they are thinking about selling? And, then on Tuesday morning, as I open the front door to leave the house, the owner is sitting outside on the front patio waiting on the appraiser. Say it ain't so. Then, house manager comes home and tells us that he talked to the owner who IS considering selling the house...and that our property manager (the couple hired a property manager to manage the house for them...and he happens to live right next door...and is this very rich guy that owns a large construction company) is considering purchasing the house, as he and his wife are having a second child and want a larger house.

Ain't that about a bitch? The one time that I am trying NOT to move...may be the one time that do I have to move. :(

1 comment:

..Sue...Zette... said...

Que Lastima....
I feel you on the sick of moving ish...I'm staying put this year...I've already done my appraisal of ish accumulated and I'm not interested in moving it anywwhere else for quite awhile...