Monday, May 15, 2006


Graduation is one of those times in your life when you see the fruits of your labor. It's an exciting time...a time of true personal achievement.

But, as the actual day gets closer, I'm beginning to get sad b/c some of the people that have shared this experience called law school with me will be leaving. What's funny is that, as I get older, the more emotional I get about stuff like this. When I graduated from high school, I was cool . . . no tears . . . no real emotions . . . it was more like . . . thank God I'm going to college. Graduation from undergrad . . . the same thing . . . leaving grad school to come to law school . . . same thing (well, actually, I was cool all the way up until the time that I was driving away . . . then it hit me that I was leaving.) LOL! But, now, the day hasn't even gotten here and I'm thinking about the fact that, on Monday, SC, BM, BE, JT, SS, NDM, JKR, LP, VDZ, LC, CS and others are leaving DC. That sort of blows my mind. Law school is sort of like being on line again . . . it's an experience that only those who go through it with you will understand. It's an experience that forces you to really get to know some people . . . and these people get to see you at your best and at your worst. So, the fact that they won't be around is a little jarring.

1 comment:

..Sue...Zette... said...

Something I've is a series of transistions...