Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Father of the Year

You always here about mama's boys and daddy's girls...well, I'm a parent's boy! I love my parents...and the older I get, the more I truly appreciate them. Now, when I was younger, I was definitely closer to my mother (yep, a true mama's boy), but as I have gotten older, I have grown just as close to my father. I love my daddy... and know that if I ever truly need ANYTHING, he is the first person that I will call. now I've said it...I love my daddy...Lord knows I do...BUT...

uh...the jacket that he bought me for!! Thanks. The Management. But, being that I was already being a Scrooge for Christmas, I decided that I would not hurt his feelings and let him know that I didn't like it. But, I don't...I really don't...sooooo not my style. Now, my dad is not a shopper AT ALL! In fact, unless it's tools or car accessories or food, he really hates shopping. So, it is well known in my family that my dad will do all of his Christmas shopping in the last few hours before stores close on Christmas Eve. This year was no exception. Christmas morning rolls around and we each open only one gift before church (except me cause I was not in the mood). We then, get back from church and I was hungry as hell. So, as everyone else was opening gifts, I was in the kitchen sneaking in the food. I heard my mom and my sisters giving my dad thanks for the presents that he bought them (jewelry for the mom, a 20 piece knife set for one sister (which she loved b/c she had mentioned that she wanted that), china for the other sister (which she loved b/c she needed new china)). So, I'm thinking....I can't wait until I open mine. But, I was hungry...and from my attitude, my mom prompted everyone to hurry up so that we could eat (yeah...I was acting like a 6 feet tall spoiled ass brat...but I was starving). After everyone eats, I then proceed to open my presents. Clothes, money...and then my dad's present. I'm excited...and then...womp womp womp. A leather jacket. But, not just any old leather that I really would not wear. So, I'm like..."ohh...a leather jacket." I caught one of my sisters eyes and I could tell that she could tell that I didn't like it. So, then I proceed to try it on, with my back to my parents. I was soooo hoping that it did not fit. But, of course, it did. I say thanks, while reminding my dad that he bought me a leather jacket a few years ago...which he then remembered. (Despite it being too big, I liked that one)...that was sort of my way of hinting to the fact that I didn't like that jacket...but I think only I picked up on the hint. So, I took it off and then went to my room and put it in my suitcase, knowing good and well that it will find itself near that back of my closet. Then, I feel bad for not liking it...but I mean.

Yesterday, however, I decided that before I retire the jacket, I'm going to wear it at least once as my dad woke up and handled some business for me w/out thinking twice...and he does that time and time again, whenever the least that I could do is wear the damn jacket at least once. Gotta love a man who takes care of their family...with no questions asked!! Though at this point I don't want to be married or have children, if I do have a family one day, I aspire to take care of my family the way that my dad takes care of his!!

(and after a day of wearing the jacket, it shall be buried in the depths of my

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Blessed and Stressed

Today was the day that I got an official offer from the firm where I summered. I should be happy, right?

Well, I must say that I am blessed because there is a firm that wants me...and there are quite of few of my friends who have yet to get any offers....but at the same time, I'm stressed. I'm stressed b/c the job is in Orlando...and

I clearly do NOT want to live in Orlando. At the same time, do I have any job offers in cities where I do want to live? NO! Not yet, at least. I'm also stressed b/c I feel like the offer was too low. Call me spoiled, but after 3 years of law school hell, I feel as though I deserve to be "handsomely rewarded." So, if I don't get selected for a clerkship, I want to be making much more than what I was offered. But, I guess, it IS a medium sized firm...and it IS in Orlando of all I can't be expecting to make six figures. But, that's what I want...or damn near close to it!

There are too many buts....and being "end of the semester" broke isn't helping the situation, either.

The more I think about it...the more my head hurts...

So, I'll try not to think about it.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Just One of Those Days is the day that I really didn't feel like being bothered with folk. Call it a mood...or whatever...but that is the way that I felt.

ESPECIALLY, since this morning, I figured out that bonuses came out on Monday...and no bonus for the little PT kid. And, so...Christmas gift giving is TRULY postponed until 2006 for me.

Anyways, as I clearly was not in the mood...what do I get when I come home? Well, my roommate's parents. They came down for the holidays. And, as I walk in the house, I am overwhelmed with the smell of FISH (which I hate)...and then I have to be cordial and meet the parents that I have never met. Now, don't get me wrong...they seem like very nice fact they brought us a freshly cut Christmas tree...but I was just not in the mood to be social.
But, I'm forced too...and so, I exchange pleasantries for about 15 seconds...and then go and lock myself in my room. But, then after a couple hours...I get hungry. This means I have to go downstairs where everyone is...which means, I have to be social. Did I mention that I did not feel like being social today?

So, I slip downstairs...and start cooking. Luckily, they weren't paying me much attention as they were playing cards. Good...I don't have to talk and tell my life story b/c I really don't want to hear yours right now.

It's just one of those days...

And, another thing...why is it that the intern that shares an office with me is always eating. He is cool as hell, but his fat ass is always eating. If he gets there before me in the morning, when I open the door to our office, it is almost guaranteed that that shit will smell like bacon....or eggs...or goddamn honey buns!! Fat ass!! And, then he is always snacking, to the point that I usually am not hungry b/c I feel like he has eaten enough for the both of us. And, then I bet he wonders why he is EXTRA EXTRA plump...plump to the extreme!!

Anyways, just one of those days!!

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

I'm a Hater

I'm a HATER!!

First of all, this morning, my roommates and I are in the kitchen talking. Come to find out, one of them is going to Israel during the break and one is going to Hawaii. Where am I going? Home to Florida! I mean, can I go on an international trip for the holidays please?

I'm a HATER!!

Secondly, it was my bright idea to stay and work this week and to not go home until Friday. Now, I'm wishing that I was home already. So, to all my friends who are already at home...

I'm a HATER!!

Everyone is talking about going and buying gifts for this person and that person. Well, I am a broke student and don't plan on buying gifts this year. As such, I have declared gift giving for Christmas CANCELLED until 2006. Thanks. The Management.

I'm a HATER!!

One of my friends yesterday was excited about his fat bonus! Um...I'm a PT government employee that has yet to receive my bonus...and I don't understand what in the hell is taking them so long.

I'm a HATER.

And, if I am just mistaken, and bonuses went out already and I didn't get one...


On a positive note, last night I re-watched this past Sunday's episode of the Boondocks and laughed THAT much harder b/c I missed a few things last time.

Favorite lines that I missed:

Jasmine: These days when people hear HO!HO!HO!, they think of the Hilton sisters standing next to Nicole Richie! LMAO!!

Uncle Ruckus: I would expect this from that little niglet, Riley...but Jasmine, I would think that a mulatto like yourself would know better!! ROTFLMAO!!

Uncle Ruckus...Uncle Tom extraordinaire...but you gotta love em.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Lazy Bastard

Today...I was a lazy bastard.

Though it was very nice day today (well, nice for the winter), I kept my ass in my room the majority of the day, in my pajamas, watching many, many episodes of A Different World (one of my all time favorite, if not THE favorite, shows.)

Did I go the gym? No!

Did I go to the museum? No!

Did I go hang out with any of my friends? No!

Did I go to Starbucks? No!

Did my friend ever call me back so that we could go to sushi? No!

I watched TV ALL DAMN DAY!! Such a waste!!

But, I did talk to one of my boys today about my Starbucks addiction...and how it's been two days...and how I've been trippin...and he was like...the best way to get over that damn addiction is to look at your bank statement. That will be a cure like a muthafucka!! LOL Funny, but so true!! I have spent too much damn money at Starbucks...and then will be the first one to complain about how it seems like I don't have any money. Um...if I would have slowed my roll on the lattes, maybe I'd have some money. Just a thought! lol

Back to being a lazy bastard...

Friday, December 16, 2005

The Apprentice

OK...I have to admit...I still watch the Apprentice. I know...but, that's the reality.

Anyways, so last night was the finale...Randal v. Rebecca. Clearly, Randal was the forerunner...and he eventually is HIRED by Trump. But, then Trump calls Randal back and asks him, if you were me, would you hire Rebecca? And, Randal classically says,'s the Apprentice, not the Apprenti! **applause for Randal**

And, now people are trippin about Randal being selfish? Are you fuckin kidding me?

The Apprentice is a contest. Period. You win...or you lose. Randal DESERVED to win. Let's not even consider that he has ran numerous multi-million dollar corporations. (Classic line from the finale...Randal referring to Rebecca: You WRITE about businesses. I RUN THEM!!) Let's not even consider that he has 5 degrees, one of which came from Oxford and 2 from MIT. Let's not consider that he had a perfect 4-0 record as project manager. Let's not consider that throughout the season, when it was time to pick someone else from the other team, Randal was always a top choice. Let's just look at the final task. Sure, he forgot about having plan B in case of rain. But, in the end, not only did he and his team pull off a successfull event, he raised $11000 for charity to Rebecca's $0. Let me repeat that...$11000 to $0. No comparison!!
So, should he share? Absolutely he stated, the show is called "The Apprentice"...thus, there should be only be "one".

And, should Trump overrule Randal's opinion? To be honest, I think Trump just asked that question to see how Randal would respond. And, he appreciated Randal's answer. Trump made a decision...the right decision...and I'm glad he stuck to it. Randal was better. Thanks. The Management.

As far as Rebecca, do I feel bad for her? NO! She lost. Period. Again, $11000 to $0 (and let's not even mention her like 1-2 record as project manager). Sure, she was a trooper for continuing with a broke ankle. But, boo was a broken wasn't as if she was diagnosed with a terminal illness. And, let's not forget that Randal was a trooper as his grandmother, whom he was very close to, passed away during the taping of the show. No sympathy for that, though, I guess.

ASIDE: I didn't have Starbucks or Sushi today...and I'm feenin like a crack ho!! The day isn't over though. LOL

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Hate Him or Love Him (no homo) was D-day in court. I had a motion hearing followed by a trial.

OK...did I tell you that I have a love/hate relationship with my client. He is generally a good hearted person...but he gets on my fuckin nerves after about 15 minutes. Today was no exception!!

Now, we had been planning and preparing for this motion/trial for the past month, well even more than that. And, I met with my client Tuesday and we discussed everything that we needed to discuss. In fact, I asked him b4 he there anything that you don't understand? Is there anything else that you would like me to know? Of course, I get a "I'm cool...I got it."

9:00 a.m. I arrive at the Courthourse...he is already there. Good! He's told me to be here at 9:00 a.m. It doesn't start until 9:30 a.m. I'm like...OK...I lied!! AND!! I was trying to make sure your ass got here on time b/c LAST time you were late and the judge was mad. Then, he proceeds to question me about everything...and I'm like....didn't I go over all this with you like 17 times.

OK...then after that...we get into the courtroom...and he is still trying to talk to me. I'm like...WHAT!! DAMN! Leave me alone...can I please concentrate on getting your statements and evidenced suppressed so you won't have to go to JAIL!! THANKS!

And, then the funniest thing happened. Why was he trying to give some other lady legal advice about what her son should do? I'm like...uhh...when did you get barred? When did you go to law school? what in the HAYLE makes you think that you can give her legal advice? You need to be worried about your own case. And STOP talking so loud in the are just trying to draw attention to yourself! (Last time we were in court, he was staring this lady down...and she was like...stop looking at me...and then loud as DAY, he goes...ain't nothing illegal about's not against the law). Umm...I'ma need you to hold that down....thanks...the management.

The good thing about today, though, is even though my motion was denied...we plead out and after my sentencing argument, he received a sentence of 6 month unsupervised probation...and at the end of the probation, if completed successfully, his record is expunged.'s over....I'm done! NOT! Now, he wants to follow me back to the office, as he wants me to print up the cases from my argument, as he approved of the arguments that I made. Yeah...exactly.

But, finally there comes the time when he goes home...and I'm done. So, of course, I go back to my vices...Starbucks or Sushi. And, today, just like yesterday, sushi wins!

Time for a nap!!

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Starbucks and Sushi I find that this blogging thing is quite therapeutic.

Anyways, it dawned on me that I think the people at Starbucks actually put liquid crack in their damn coffee, chai...even their Pumpkin Scones, as there is no other reason in the world why I have been to Starbucks at least once a day for the past 3 weeks!! It's addictive as hell. And, so today I tell myself that THIS is the day that I will not go to Starbucks.

But, what had happened was cold as a muthafucka!! So, I HAD to go!! And, I walk in to the one by my job...and they are like...HEY!!! Grande Chai Eggnog Latte??!! your breaks. (Actually, let me not try to act like I haven't ordered that everyday for the past 2 weeks). Today, I want cider...a caramel apple cider!! YUM!! Womp! Womp! We are out of cider! Do you want your regular drink? NO....what I want is what I asked for...and that is a caramel apple cider. I mean, didn't you see a week ago that you were running out of cider. I KNOW that someone is responsible for the inventory. You're FIRED!! Then, I'm like...that's OK....I figured that was God trying to tell me that I didn't need Starbucks today. So, I left with no drink in hand and $5 still in my pocket!! Go me!!

OK...and then I had a craving for sushi today. I'm sort of an imposter though b/c I don't eat cooked I'll be damned if I eat it raw. However comma, I loves me some sushi...california rolls, shrimp rolls, spider rolls...YUM!! So, instead of eating the leftover food that everyone was eating in our office today from yesterday's holiday party (I don't do leftovers for the most part....and if that's bourgie, oh well), I decide to brave the 20 degree weather and walk to get me some sushi. Half way, I regretted that decision. It was cold as hell. But, I get my sushi....and it was off the chain.

Well, off to prepare for my dispositive motion tomorrow. Let me just pray that the judge has time tomorrow...b/c I'm ready for a new client.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005


OK...I figured that I'd try this blog stuff out...why...because I'm bored as hell!! day has been interesting! I start by waking up extra early to prepare my famous broccoli and cheese casserole for our office holiday party. Why I didn't just prepare it last night is beyond me. Anyways, my oven is trippin...b/c I would have sworn that the last time I made it that it only took like 40 minutes to cook...and I'll be damned if it didn't take like an hour and fifteen minutes. This, of course, made me late to work...and then there were no parks in the parking garage. (of course, I HAD to drive to work today instead of Metro-ing it...I wasn't going to be schlepping that damn hot ass casserole through the masses at Gallery Place and L'Enfant Plaza.) So, I had to find a street park and walk my ass up the damn street. NOT a happy camper.

OK...then I get to work....everything going well there. Noon rolls around and now it's time to eat. We usually have a few people come in who previously worked in our office and either retired or moved on to another office. And, as I am fixing my plate (of course, this is after scouting out who made what b/c I don't eat everyone's food), this lady that used to work in our office walks through the door...with her damn dog. And, I'm like...first of all, we are in a government building. How in the hell did security just allow her to waltz up in there with her damn house dog? She ain't blind. And, then she proceeds to bring the dog in the conference room where all the food is. Did I mention that I don't really do animals? And, what made it even worse is when I walked past that dog, it smelled like it had just ran a fuckin marathon. Of course, I looked at her like...I know you didn't just bring your stank ass dog in here where the food is...nasty heifer!! (and yes, I was truly thinking of the word "heifer") I get over my anger about the dog. The food I ate was really good...and it was all made better by that potent eggnog that we had. LOL (That's right, we were straight up sippin on the syrup at the job...but I ain't the one to gossip, so you ain't heard that from me.) By the way, I learned that the way to make the best and easiest eggnog is to use 1 1/2 gallon of vanilla bean ice cream, 1 cup of Bailey's, 1 cup of bourbon, and 1 1/2 gallon of the cheap non-alcoholic eggnog that you can buy at the grocery store. ((ASIDE: Did I mention how I hate the fact that Publix is not in the DC/MD/VA area...the grocery stores here suck!!)) Mix it together and voila!!

Next, came the holiday gift exchange. We play a simple game. Everyone brings in a gift of less than $20...completely wrapped. We all pull numbers. The person who draws 1 goes first...and picks a gift and reveals it to all. Then, number 2 can either take number 1's gift or open a new gift....and so forth and so forth until the last person goes. Also, if a person gets a 3 times, the gift is out of play and that person gets to keep it. (yeah, there's a little bit of strategy!!) Anyways, I drew number 14...right in the middle of the pack as we had 27 participants. I decide to open not take anyone's gift (nothing at that point sparked my interest)...and what do I get? I fuckin fondue pot! What in the hell am I going to do with a fondue pot? I don't eat no damn fondue!! And, of course, the game continues and no one wants my fondue I got stuck with that shit. And, of course, I will be wrapping it up and passing it along to someone else. 1 gift down...a whole lot more to go.

Then, as I'm preparing to leave for the day, my phone rings. It's a strange number. I don't usually pick up with numbers I don't know...but something told me to answer it. And, of course, it was my legal clinic calling telling me that my client was in the office. Did he have an appointment? NO! Does he ever? NO! This dude (I shall be PC at this time) just fuckin shows up and is my attorney here? Did I tell you that I was going to be there?!! What's funny is that I was actually glad he called b/c we have court on Thursday...and then I will be done with him! YAY!! This whole clinic experience has solidified that criminal litigation is not my forte.

Did I mention that before I left work I started to get a headache??!!

Did I mention that when I ended up meeting with my client that my headache increased??!!

Did I mention that my head is still fuckin throbbin??!!

Anyways, let me try to snap out of this mood.