Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Father of the Year

You always here about mama's boys and daddy's girls...well, I'm a parent's boy! I love my parents...and the older I get, the more I truly appreciate them. Now, when I was younger, I was definitely closer to my mother (yep, a true mama's boy), but as I have gotten older, I have grown just as close to my father. I love my daddy... and know that if I ever truly need ANYTHING, he is the first person that I will call. now I've said it...I love my daddy...Lord knows I do...BUT...

uh...the jacket that he bought me for!! Thanks. The Management. But, being that I was already being a Scrooge for Christmas, I decided that I would not hurt his feelings and let him know that I didn't like it. But, I don't...I really don't...sooooo not my style. Now, my dad is not a shopper AT ALL! In fact, unless it's tools or car accessories or food, he really hates shopping. So, it is well known in my family that my dad will do all of his Christmas shopping in the last few hours before stores close on Christmas Eve. This year was no exception. Christmas morning rolls around and we each open only one gift before church (except me cause I was not in the mood). We then, get back from church and I was hungry as hell. So, as everyone else was opening gifts, I was in the kitchen sneaking in the food. I heard my mom and my sisters giving my dad thanks for the presents that he bought them (jewelry for the mom, a 20 piece knife set for one sister (which she loved b/c she had mentioned that she wanted that), china for the other sister (which she loved b/c she needed new china)). So, I'm thinking....I can't wait until I open mine. But, I was hungry...and from my attitude, my mom prompted everyone to hurry up so that we could eat (yeah...I was acting like a 6 feet tall spoiled ass brat...but I was starving). After everyone eats, I then proceed to open my presents. Clothes, money...and then my dad's present. I'm excited...and then...womp womp womp. A leather jacket. But, not just any old leather that I really would not wear. So, I'm like..."ohh...a leather jacket." I caught one of my sisters eyes and I could tell that she could tell that I didn't like it. So, then I proceed to try it on, with my back to my parents. I was soooo hoping that it did not fit. But, of course, it did. I say thanks, while reminding my dad that he bought me a leather jacket a few years ago...which he then remembered. (Despite it being too big, I liked that one)...that was sort of my way of hinting to the fact that I didn't like that jacket...but I think only I picked up on the hint. So, I took it off and then went to my room and put it in my suitcase, knowing good and well that it will find itself near that back of my closet. Then, I feel bad for not liking it...but I mean.

Yesterday, however, I decided that before I retire the jacket, I'm going to wear it at least once as my dad woke up and handled some business for me w/out thinking twice...and he does that time and time again, whenever the least that I could do is wear the damn jacket at least once. Gotta love a man who takes care of their family...with no questions asked!! Though at this point I don't want to be married or have children, if I do have a family one day, I aspire to take care of my family the way that my dad takes care of his!!

(and after a day of wearing the jacket, it shall be buried in the depths of my

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