Thursday, December 15, 2005

Hate Him or Love Him (no homo) was D-day in court. I had a motion hearing followed by a trial.

OK...did I tell you that I have a love/hate relationship with my client. He is generally a good hearted person...but he gets on my fuckin nerves after about 15 minutes. Today was no exception!!

Now, we had been planning and preparing for this motion/trial for the past month, well even more than that. And, I met with my client Tuesday and we discussed everything that we needed to discuss. In fact, I asked him b4 he there anything that you don't understand? Is there anything else that you would like me to know? Of course, I get a "I'm cool...I got it."

9:00 a.m. I arrive at the Courthourse...he is already there. Good! He's told me to be here at 9:00 a.m. It doesn't start until 9:30 a.m. I'm like...OK...I lied!! AND!! I was trying to make sure your ass got here on time b/c LAST time you were late and the judge was mad. Then, he proceeds to question me about everything...and I'm like....didn't I go over all this with you like 17 times.

OK...then after that...we get into the courtroom...and he is still trying to talk to me. I'm like...WHAT!! DAMN! Leave me alone...can I please concentrate on getting your statements and evidenced suppressed so you won't have to go to JAIL!! THANKS!

And, then the funniest thing happened. Why was he trying to give some other lady legal advice about what her son should do? I'm like...uhh...when did you get barred? When did you go to law school? what in the HAYLE makes you think that you can give her legal advice? You need to be worried about your own case. And STOP talking so loud in the are just trying to draw attention to yourself! (Last time we were in court, he was staring this lady down...and she was like...stop looking at me...and then loud as DAY, he goes...ain't nothing illegal about's not against the law). Umm...I'ma need you to hold that down....thanks...the management.

The good thing about today, though, is even though my motion was denied...we plead out and after my sentencing argument, he received a sentence of 6 month unsupervised probation...and at the end of the probation, if completed successfully, his record is expunged.'s over....I'm done! NOT! Now, he wants to follow me back to the office, as he wants me to print up the cases from my argument, as he approved of the arguments that I made. Yeah...exactly.

But, finally there comes the time when he goes home...and I'm done. So, of course, I go back to my vices...Starbucks or Sushi. And, today, just like yesterday, sushi wins!

Time for a nap!!

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