Tuesday, December 20, 2005

I'm a Hater


I'm a HATER!!

First of all, this morning, my roommates and I are in the kitchen talking. Come to find out, one of them is going to Israel during the break and one is going to Hawaii. Where am I going? Home to Florida! I mean, can I go on an international trip for the holidays please?

I'm a HATER!!

Secondly, it was my bright idea to stay and work this week and to not go home until Friday. Now, I'm wishing that I was home already. So, to all my friends who are already at home...

I'm a HATER!!

Everyone is talking about going and buying gifts for this person and that person. Well, I am a broke student and don't plan on buying gifts this year. As such, I have declared gift giving for Christmas CANCELLED until 2006. Thanks. The Management.

I'm a HATER!!

One of my friends yesterday was excited about his fat bonus! Um...I'm a PT government employee that has yet to receive my bonus...and I don't understand what in the hell is taking them so long.

I'm a HATER.

And, if I am just mistaken, and bonuses went out already and I didn't get one...


On a positive note, last night I re-watched this past Sunday's episode of the Boondocks and laughed THAT much harder b/c I missed a few things last time.

Favorite lines that I missed:

Jasmine: These days when people hear HO!HO!HO!, they think of the Hilton sisters standing next to Nicole Richie! LMAO!!

Uncle Ruckus: I would expect this from that little niglet, Riley...but Jasmine, I would think that a mulatto like yourself would know better!! ROTFLMAO!!

Uncle Ruckus...Uncle Tom extraordinaire...but you gotta love em.

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