Tuesday, December 13, 2005


OK...I figured that I'd try this blog stuff out...why...because I'm bored as hell!!

Well...my day has been interesting! I start by waking up extra early to prepare my famous broccoli and cheese casserole for our office holiday party. Why I didn't just prepare it last night is beyond me. Anyways, my oven is trippin...b/c I would have sworn that the last time I made it that it only took like 40 minutes to cook...and I'll be damned if it didn't take like an hour and fifteen minutes. This, of course, made me late to work...and then there were no parks in the parking garage. (of course, I HAD to drive to work today instead of Metro-ing it...I wasn't going to be schlepping that damn hot ass casserole through the masses at Gallery Place and L'Enfant Plaza.) So, I had to find a street park and walk my ass up the damn street. NOT a happy camper.

OK...then I get to work....everything going well there. Noon rolls around and now it's time to eat. We usually have a few people come in who previously worked in our office and either retired or moved on to another office. And, as I am fixing my plate (of course, this is after scouting out who made what b/c I don't eat everyone's food), this lady that used to work in our office walks through the door...with her damn dog. And, I'm like...first of all, we are in a government building. How in the hell did security just allow her to waltz up in there with her damn house dog? She ain't blind. And, then she proceeds to bring the dog in the conference room where all the food is. Did I mention that I don't really do animals? And, what made it even worse is when I walked past that dog, it smelled like it had just ran a fuckin marathon. Of course, I looked at her like...I know you didn't just bring your stank ass dog in here where the food is...nasty heifer!! (and yes, I was truly thinking of the word "heifer")

OK...so I get over my anger about the dog. The food I ate was really good...and it was all made better by that potent eggnog that we had. LOL (That's right, we were straight up sippin on the syrup at the job...but I ain't the one to gossip, so you ain't heard that from me.) By the way, I learned that the way to make the best and easiest eggnog is to use 1 1/2 gallon of vanilla bean ice cream, 1 cup of Bailey's, 1 cup of bourbon, and 1 1/2 gallon of the cheap non-alcoholic eggnog that you can buy at the grocery store. ((ASIDE: Did I mention how I hate the fact that Publix is not in the DC/MD/VA area...the grocery stores here suck!!)) Mix it together and voila!!

Next, came the holiday gift exchange. We play a simple game. Everyone brings in a gift of less than $20...completely wrapped. We all pull numbers. The person who draws 1 goes first...and picks a gift and reveals it to all. Then, number 2 can either take number 1's gift or open a new gift....and so forth and so forth until the last person goes. Also, if a person gets a 3 times, the gift is out of play and that person gets to keep it. (yeah, there's a little bit of strategy!!) Anyways, I drew number 14...right in the middle of the pack as we had 27 participants. I decide to open not take anyone's gift (nothing at that point sparked my interest)...and what do I get? I fuckin fondue pot! What in the hell am I going to do with a fondue pot? I don't eat no damn fondue!! And, of course, the game continues and no one wants my fondue pot...so I got stuck with that shit. And, of course, I will be wrapping it up and passing it along to someone else. 1 gift down...a whole lot more to go.

Then, as I'm preparing to leave for the day, my phone rings. It's a strange number. I don't usually pick up with numbers I don't know...but something told me to answer it. And, of course, it was my legal clinic calling telling me that my client was in the office. Did he have an appointment? NO! Does he ever? NO! This dude (I shall be PC at this time) just fuckin shows up and is like...is my attorney here? Did I tell you that I was going to be there?!! What's funny is that I was actually glad he called b/c we have court on Thursday...and then I will be done with him! YAY!! This whole clinic experience has solidified that criminal litigation is not my forte.

Did I mention that before I left work I started to get a headache??!!

Did I mention that when I ended up meeting with my client that my headache increased??!!

Did I mention that my head is still fuckin throbbin??!!

Anyways, let me try to snap out of this mood.

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