Friday, December 16, 2005

The Apprentice

OK...I have to admit...I still watch the Apprentice. I know...but, that's the reality.

Anyways, so last night was the finale...Randal v. Rebecca. Clearly, Randal was the forerunner...and he eventually is HIRED by Trump. But, then Trump calls Randal back and asks him, if you were me, would you hire Rebecca? And, Randal classically says,'s the Apprentice, not the Apprenti! **applause for Randal**

And, now people are trippin about Randal being selfish? Are you fuckin kidding me?

The Apprentice is a contest. Period. You win...or you lose. Randal DESERVED to win. Let's not even consider that he has ran numerous multi-million dollar corporations. (Classic line from the finale...Randal referring to Rebecca: You WRITE about businesses. I RUN THEM!!) Let's not even consider that he has 5 degrees, one of which came from Oxford and 2 from MIT. Let's not consider that he had a perfect 4-0 record as project manager. Let's not consider that throughout the season, when it was time to pick someone else from the other team, Randal was always a top choice. Let's just look at the final task. Sure, he forgot about having plan B in case of rain. But, in the end, not only did he and his team pull off a successfull event, he raised $11000 for charity to Rebecca's $0. Let me repeat that...$11000 to $0. No comparison!!
So, should he share? Absolutely he stated, the show is called "The Apprentice"...thus, there should be only be "one".

And, should Trump overrule Randal's opinion? To be honest, I think Trump just asked that question to see how Randal would respond. And, he appreciated Randal's answer. Trump made a decision...the right decision...and I'm glad he stuck to it. Randal was better. Thanks. The Management.

As far as Rebecca, do I feel bad for her? NO! She lost. Period. Again, $11000 to $0 (and let's not even mention her like 1-2 record as project manager). Sure, she was a trooper for continuing with a broke ankle. But, boo was a broken wasn't as if she was diagnosed with a terminal illness. And, let's not forget that Randal was a trooper as his grandmother, whom he was very close to, passed away during the taping of the show. No sympathy for that, though, I guess.

ASIDE: I didn't have Starbucks or Sushi today...and I'm feenin like a crack ho!! The day isn't over though. LOL

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